Realizing creative innovative education through increasing digitalization skills in learning with canva media in the era of smart society 5.0
The purpose of community service activities is based on various findings about problems
owned by partners, namely SDN Kepan** Kec. Sumenep City, Sumenep Regency. The …
owned by partners, namely SDN Kepan** Kec. Sumenep City, Sumenep Regency. The …
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Kegiatan Economic Project Olahan Fish Corndog di Desa Pasir Panjang, Pulau Rinca, NTT
This community service aims to diversify processed fishery products as regional souvenirs to
attract tourists and increase the selling value of fishery products in Pasir Panjang Village …
attract tourists and increase the selling value of fishery products in Pasir Panjang Village …
Optimalisasi Peran Petani Millenial Dalam Usahatani Sayuran sebagai Pendukung Rumah Pangan Lestari di Desa Kelising Kabupaten Bulungan
Millennial farmers are a young generation who have great potential in bringing positive
changes in the agricultural sector. To maintain food security and the environment, it takes an …
changes in the agricultural sector. To maintain food security and the environment, it takes an …
Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Melalui Program Kemah Dakwah dan Bakti Mahasiswa (KDBM) di Pondok Pesantren Daarus Sholah
Community service through the Da'wah Camp and Student Service (KDBM) program is one
form of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. The purpose of this service is to carry out the …
form of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. The purpose of this service is to carry out the …
[PDF][PDF] Pendam**an Penelitian Dan Publikasi Ilmiah Bagi Guru Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Man 2 Surakarta
Abstrak: Pengembangan profesionalisme guru menjadi prioritas utama menyangkut
program pembangunan pendidikan di Indonesia. Beberapa aspek keprofesionalan meliputi …
program pembangunan pendidikan di Indonesia. Beberapa aspek keprofesionalan meliputi …
Konsolidasi Kelompok Tani Dalam Pembentukan Wisata Edukasi Kampung Sayur Laura Di Kelurahan Landasan Ulin Utara Kota Banjarbaru
Mitra kegiatan ini adalah kelompok tani Karang Taruna Tunas Muda di Jalan Sukamara
Kampung Baru RT 04 RW 02 Kelurahan Landasan Ulin Utara Kecamatan Liang Anggang …
Kampung Baru RT 04 RW 02 Kelurahan Landasan Ulin Utara Kecamatan Liang Anggang …
Upaya Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Ketrampilan Petugas Posyandu Melalui Program Pelatihan Pengelolaan SI-POS Pada Kader di Posyandu Tulip Sukamaju …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan upaya peningkatan pengetahuan dan
keterampilan petugas dan kader Posyandu melalui program pelatihan pengelolaan …
keterampilan petugas dan kader Posyandu melalui program pelatihan pengelolaan …
[PDF][PDF] Assistance for logo rebranding and packaging" Dodol Lima Pandawa" to improve product quality
The use of online media in the process of selling products is intended to help the community
more easily in terms of marketing in line with the post-Covid 19. The implementation of this …
more easily in terms of marketing in line with the post-Covid 19. The implementation of this …
Empowerment and training in making herbal tea to utilize herbal plants and prevent degenerative diseases
Teluk Pemedas is one of the sub-districts in the Samboja sub-district, Kutai Kartanegara,
East Kalimantan Province. Previous health examination data showed that the presentation …
East Kalimantan Province. Previous health examination data showed that the presentation …
Pelatihan Sistem Informasi dan Sumbangan Komputer serta Alat Terapi untuk Yayasan Tapasya Stroke Center di Tabanan
Abstract Yayasan Tapasya Stroke Center Amaranee merupakan organisasi nirlaba yang
berlokasi di Jl. Teratai No 41A Desa Dauh Peken, Kecamatan Tabanan, Kabupaten …
berlokasi di Jl. Teratai No 41A Desa Dauh Peken, Kecamatan Tabanan, Kabupaten …