Machine learning for the advancement of genome-scale metabolic modeling

P Kundu, S Beura, S Mondal, AK Das, A Ghosh - Biotechnology Advances, 2024 - Elsevier
Constraint-based modeling (CBM) has evolved as the core systems biology tool to map the
interrelations between genotype, phenotype, and external environment. The recent …

Mixotrophic Syngas Conversion Enables the Production of meso-2,3-butanediol with Clostridium autoethanogenum

A Oppelt, A Rückel, M Rupp, D Weuster-Botz - Fermentation, 2024 -
Providing simultaneously autotrophic and heterotrophic carbon sources is a promising
strategy to overcome the limits of autotrophic syngas fermentations. D-xylose and L …

Microbial Diversity and Multifunctional Microbial Biostimulants for Agricultural Sustainability

P Kumar, RP Singh - … Sustainability Approaches: Global Lessons and Local …, 2021 - Springer
Increasing evidences support that the beneficial soil microbes play multiple roles in plant
growth and productivity as well as increase in soil microbial carbon biomass. The beneficial …

Adapting isotopic tracer and metabolic flux analysis approaches to study C1 metabolism

KO Hoyt, BM Woolston - Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 2022 - Elsevier
Highlights•Probing C1 pathways by isotope tracers requires methods to prevent uniform
labeling.•Using a labeling co-substrate allows analysis of C1 pathways at steady …

Estudio de un sistema bio-electroquímico de fermentación para la producción de 1, 3-propanodiol a partir de glicerina cruda

OL Aragón Caycedo -
Los azúcares y el glicerol pueden servir como sustratos de bajo costo en aplicaciones
biotecnológicas para obtener varios intermediarios químicos con un alto valor agregado. La …

[Књига][B] Natural Product Discovery from Solventogenic Clostridia

JS Li - 2020 -
Secondary metabolites, or natural products, are small molecules which frequently possess
biological activities and are a critically important resource for the development of new …

[Цитат][C] Editorial overview: analytical biotechnology in the era of high-performance omics, synthetic biology, and machine learning.

YJ Tang, L Aristilde - Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 2020 -
Editorial overview: Analytical biotechnology in the era of high-performance omics, synthetic
biology, and machine learning. - Abstract - Europe PMC Sign in | Create an account …