Two parallelization schemes for the induction of nondeterministic finite automata on PCs

T Jastrzab - Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 12th …, 2018 - Springer
In the paper we study the induction of minimal nondeterministic finite automata consistent
with the sets of examples and counterexamples. The induced automata are minimal with …

Use of a novel grammatical inference approach in classification of amyloidogenic hexapeptides

W Wieczorek, O Unold - Computational and mathematical …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
The present paper is a novel contribution to the field of bioinformatics by using grammatical
inference in the analysis of data. We developed an algorithm for generating star‐free regular …

[HTML][HTML] Synthesis of a DNF formula from a sample of strings using Ehrenfeucht–Fraïssé games

TA Rocha, AT Martins, FM Ferreira - Theoretical Computer Science, 2020 - Elsevier
In order to define a DNF version of first-order sentences over strings in which atomic
sentences represent substring properties of strings, we use results of the Ehrenfeucht …

Grammatical inference in the discovery of generating functions

W Wieczorek, A Nowakowski - … 4: 4th International Conference on Man …, 2016 - Springer
In this paper an algorithm for the induction of a context-free grammar is proposed, and its
application in obtaining a generating function for the number of certain combinatorial objects …

Synthesis of a DNF formula from a sample of strings

TA Rocha, AT Martins… - 2018 7th Brazilian …, 2018 -
We define a propositional substring logic (PS) in which atomic sentences represent
substring properties of strings. We also investigate the following variation of the boolean …

On finding a first-order sentence consistent with a sample of strings

TA Rocha, AT Martins, FM Ferreira - arxiv preprint arxiv:1809.03106, 2018 -
We investigate the following problem: given a sample of classified strings, find a first-order
sentence of minimal quantifier rank that is consistent with the sample. We represent strings …

Learning DFAs by Evolving Short Sequences of Merges

K Guillaumier, J Abela - International Conference on …, 2021 -
The grammatical inference community has been studying evolutionary methods for DFA
learning for almost three decades. These methods typically operate by learning a …

Synthesis of quantifier-free first-order sentences from noisy samples of strings

TA Rocha, AT Martins - 2019 8th Brazilian Conference on …, 2019 -
We present a method to extract knowledge in terms of quantifier-free first-order sentences in
disjunctive normal form from noisy samples of classified strings. We show that the problem to …

An algorithm based on a directed acyclic word graph

W Wieczorek, W Wieczorek - Grammatical Inference: Algorithms, Routines …, 2017 - Springer
In this chapter an algorithm for the induction of a Directed Acyclic Word Graph (DAWG) is
proposed. A DAWG can serve as a very efficient data structure for lexicon representation …

[HTML][HTML] Synthesis of quantifier-free DNF sentences from inconsistent samples of strings with EF games and SAT

TA Rocha, AT Martins, FM Ferreira - Theoretical Computer Science, 2020 - Elsevier
We present a method to extract knowledge in terms of quantifier-free sentences in
disjunctive normal form from noisy samples of classified strings. We show that the problem to …