Numerical Modeling Using Immersed Boundary-Lattice Boltzmann Method and Experiments for Particle Manipulation under Standing Surface Acoustic Waves
In this work, we employed the Immersed Boundary-Lattice Boltzmann Method (IB-LBM) to
simulate the motion of a microparticle in a microchannel under the influence of a standing …
simulate the motion of a microparticle in a microchannel under the influence of a standing …
The separation of blood components using standing surface acoustic waves (SSAWs) microfluidic devices: Analysis and simulation
The separation of blood components (WBCs, RBCs, and platelets) is important for medical
applications. Recently, standing surface acoustic wave (SSAW) microfluidic devices are …
applications. Recently, standing surface acoustic wave (SSAW) microfluidic devices are …
Preventing overloaded dissemination in healthcare applications using NonDelay tolerant dissemination technique
Abstract Wearable Sensors (WSs) are widely used in healthcare applications to monitor
patient health. During the data transmission, dissemination requires additional time to …
patient health. During the data transmission, dissemination requires additional time to …
Numerical simulation of blood cell separation in an acoustofluidic system
For the last two decades, acoustofluidic systems, among other techniques, have drawn
considerable attention due to their biocompatibility. A number of experimental works have …
considerable attention due to their biocompatibility. A number of experimental works have …
Modelling and simulation of the ship rapids-ascending ability in Lancang River
Z Zhizhou, T Sichen, Z Feng… - International Journal of …, 2019 - inderscienceonline.com
Ship sailing resistance is an important indicator to judge the navigation capacity of a
waterway. In this paper the empirical formula of Zwaan Kopf is modified according to the …
waterway. In this paper the empirical formula of Zwaan Kopf is modified according to the …
Numerical simulation of same-sized cells focusing and separation with surface acoustic waves
Detection and analysis of circulating tumor cells can provide important information to prevent
the spread of cancer, which annually kills millions of people worldwide. So the researchers …
the spread of cancer, which annually kills millions of people worldwide. So the researchers …
[PDF][PDF] Simulation and Modeling of Microparticle Manipulation Using Standing Surface Acoustic waves
FA Alshehhi - 2022 - khazna.ku.ac.ae
Standing Surface Acoustic Waves”, M. Sc. Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, United Arab …
Mechanical Engineering, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, United Arab …
Numerical Simulation of Particle Separation in the Fluid Flow in a Microchannel Including Spiral and Acoustic Regions
Particulate separation has many applications in medicine, biology and industry. In this
research, the separation of polystyrene particles with a diameter of 10, 20 and 30 μm in the …
research, the separation of polystyrene particles with a diameter of 10, 20 and 30 μm in the …
Yeast cells handling using home-made ultrasound Standing wave chamber design: an in vitro approach
Handling and manipulation of biological cells are fundamental for biotechnology
applications like genes modification, membrane fusion, and drug researches. Cells in …
applications like genes modification, membrane fusion, and drug researches. Cells in …
[PDF][PDF] Numerical Simulation of Focusing and Separation of Same-sized Cells Utilizing Standing and Traveling Surface Acoustic Waves
D Shahani, A Ramiar, A Mahboubidoust - researchgate.net
Millions of people around the world die because of cancer. However, early prevention and
diagnosis can prevent the progression of the disease. Cancer cells released from the tumor …
diagnosis can prevent the progression of the disease. Cancer cells released from the tumor …