The validity of the multi-informant approach to assessing child and adolescent mental health.
Child and adolescent patients may display mental health concerns within some contexts and
not others (eg, home vs. school). Thus, understanding the specific contexts in which patients …
not others (eg, home vs. school). Thus, understanding the specific contexts in which patients …
Research Review: Changes in the prevalence and symptom severity of child post‐traumatic stress disorder in the year following trauma–A meta‐analytic study
Background Understanding the natural course of child and adolescent posttraumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) has significant implications for the identification of, and intervention for, at …
disorder (PTSD) has significant implications for the identification of, and intervention for, at …
Age-related effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health of children and adolescents
Background: Children and adolescents are affected in various ways by the lockdown
measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is crucial to better understand the …
measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is crucial to better understand the …
The child and family traumatic stress intervention: Secondary prevention for youth at risk of develo** PTSD
Objective: This pilot study evaluated the effectiveness of a four‐session, caregiver–child
Intervention, the Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI), to prevent the …
Intervention, the Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI), to prevent the …
Offspring psychological and biological correlates of parental posttraumatic stress: Review of the literature and research agenda
Millions of individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are parents. A burgeoning
literature suggests that offspring of parents with this condition may be at increased risk for …
literature suggests that offspring of parents with this condition may be at increased risk for …
Exposure to potentially traumatic events in early childhood: differential links to emergent psychopathology
Objective: To examine associations between exposure to potentially traumatic events (PTEs)
and clinical patterns of symptoms and disorders in preschool children. Method: Two hundred …
and clinical patterns of symptoms and disorders in preschool children. Method: Two hundred …
Trauma, exile and mental health in young refugees
E Montgomery - Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Montgomery E. Trauma, exile and mental health in young refugees. Objective: To review
evidence of trauma and exile‐related mental health in young refugees from the Middle East …
evidence of trauma and exile‐related mental health in young refugees from the Middle East …
Strategic objectives for improving understanding of informant discrepancies in developmental psychopathology research
Developmental psychopathology researchers and practitioners commonly conduct
behavioral assessments using multiple informants' reports (eg, parents, teachers …
behavioral assessments using multiple informants' reports (eg, parents, teachers …
Attention bias and anxiety in young children exposed to family violence
Background Attention bias toward threat is associated with anxiety in older youth and adults
and has been linked with violence exposure. Attention bias may moderate the relationship …
and has been linked with violence exposure. Attention bias may moderate the relationship …
The epidemic of mental disorders in business—how depression, anxiety, and stress spread across organizations through employee mobility
Combining management research with infectious disease epidemiology, we propose a new
perspective on mental disorders in a business context. We suggest that—similar to infectious …
perspective on mental disorders in a business context. We suggest that—similar to infectious …