Nitrogen fixation in the widely distributed marine γ-proteobacterial diazotroph Candidatus Thalassolituus haligoni
The high diversity and global distribution of heterotrophic bacterial diazotrophs (HBDs) in
the ocean has recently become apparent. However, understanding the role these largely …
the ocean has recently become apparent. However, understanding the role these largely …
Oxygen availability driven trends in DOM molecular composition and reactivity in a seasonally stratified fjord
Ocean deoxygenation could potentially trigger substantial changes in the composition and
reactivity of dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool, which plays an important role in the global …
reactivity of dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool, which plays an important role in the global …
Reduced nitrite accumulation at the primary nitrite maximum in the cyclonic eddies in the western North Pacific subtropical gyre
Nitrite, an intermediate product of the oxidation of ammonia to nitrate (nitrification),
accumulates in upper oceans, forming the primary nitrite maximum (PNM). Nitrite …
accumulates in upper oceans, forming the primary nitrite maximum (PNM). Nitrite …
Seasonal and spatial variations in nutrients under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors in coastal waters of the northern Yellow Sea, China
Abstract Analysis of the common and most influential natural and anthropogenic activities on
the spatiotemporal variation in nutrients at a multiannual scale is important. Eleven cruises …
the spatiotemporal variation in nutrients at a multiannual scale is important. Eleven cruises …
Highly-resolved interannual phytoplankton community dynamics of the coastal Northwest Atlantic
Microbial observatories can track phytoplankton at frequencies that resolve monthly,
seasonal, and multiyear trends in environmental change from short-lived events. Using 4 …
seasonal, and multiyear trends in environmental change from short-lived events. Using 4 …
Salinity changes the nitrification activity and community composition of comammox Nitrospira in intertidal sediments of Yangtze River estuary
The newly discovered complete ammonia-oxidizing (comammox) Nitrospira has been
identified in different environments, including coastal environments, where salinity is one of …
identified in different environments, including coastal environments, where salinity is one of …
Nitrous oxide production in the Chesapeake Bay
Estuaries at the global scale are significant but highly uncertain sources of atmospheric
nitrous oxide (N2O), which is an intense greenhouse gas and ozone depletion agent. As the …
nitrous oxide (N2O), which is an intense greenhouse gas and ozone depletion agent. As the …
Microevolutionary patterns in ecotypes of the symbiotic cyanobacterium UCYN-A revealed from a Northwest Atlantic coastal time series
UCYN-A is a globally important nitrogen-fixing symbiotic microbe often found in colder
regions and coastal areas where nitrogen fixation has been overlooked. We present a 3 …
regions and coastal areas where nitrogen fixation has been overlooked. We present a 3 …
[HTML][HTML] Seasonal isotopic and isotopomeric signatures of nitrous oxide produced microbially in a eutrophic estuary
Anthropogenic input of excess nutrients stimulates massive nitrous oxide (N 2 O) production
in estuaries with distinct seasonal variations. Here, nitrogen isotopic and isotopomeric …
in estuaries with distinct seasonal variations. Here, nitrogen isotopic and isotopomeric …
Blue economy: A new era of petroleum microbiology in a changing climate
The productivity and health of our ocean hold some good solutions to the world's challenges
in socio-economy. However, climate change and waste discharge are changing the marine …
in socio-economy. However, climate change and waste discharge are changing the marine …