[HTML][HTML] Frequency combs in quantum cascade lasers: An overview of modeling and experiments
Over the past decade, the demonstration of frequency combs has been reported in a wide
range of quantum cascade lasers. These combs have huge potential in applications …
range of quantum cascade lasers. These combs have huge potential in applications …
An optically driven digital metasurface for programming electromagnetic functions
Metasurfaces are engineered surfaces that consist of subwavelength periodic elements and
can be used to manipulate electromagnetic waves. Multifunctional or reconfigurable …
can be used to manipulate electromagnetic waves. Multifunctional or reconfigurable …
Laser frequency combs with fast gain recovery: physics and applications
M Piccardo, F Capasso - Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The dynamics of semiconductor lasers with fast gain is generally considered to suppress
amplitude modulation, resulting in a frequency‐modulated output. Since their first …
amplitude modulation, resulting in a frequency‐modulated output. Since their first …
Frequency combs induced by phase turbulence
Wave instability—the process that gives rise to turbulence in hydrodynamics—represents
the mechanism by which a small disturbance in a wave grows in amplitude owing to …
the mechanism by which a small disturbance in a wave grows in amplitude owing to …
Ultrafast response of harmonic modelocked THz lasers
The use of fundamental modelocking to generate short terahertz (THz) pulses and THz
frequency combs from semiconductor lasers has become a routine affair, using quantum …
frequency combs from semiconductor lasers has become a routine affair, using quantum …
Millimeter wave photonics with terahertz semiconductor lasers
Millimeter wave (mmWave) generation using photonic techniques has so far been limited to
the use of near-infrared lasers that are down-converted to the mmWave region. However …
the use of near-infrared lasers that are down-converted to the mmWave region. However …
Metrology of frequency comb sources: assessing the coherence, from multimode to mode-locked operation
Since the beginning of this millennium, frequency comb generators have reshaped
frequency metrology and related areas. After more than two decades since their first …
frequency metrology and related areas. After more than two decades since their first …
Defect-engineered ring laser harmonic frequency combs
A monochromatic wave that circulates in a nonlinear and dispersive optical cavity can
become unstable and form a structured waveform. This phenomenon, known as modulation …
become unstable and form a structured waveform. This phenomenon, known as modulation …
Harmonic frequency combs in quantum cascade lasers: time-domain and frequency-domain theory
Y Wang, A Belyanin - Physical Review A, 2020 - APS
Harmonic frequency combs, in which the lasing modes are separated by a period of tens of
free spectral ranges from each other, have been recently discovered in quantum cascade …
free spectral ranges from each other, have been recently discovered in quantum cascade …
Analog FM free-space optical communication based on a mid-infrared quantum cascade laser frequency comb
Quantum cascade laser frequency combs are nowadays well-appreciated sources for
infrared spectroscopy. Here their applicability for free-space optical communication is …
infrared spectroscopy. Here their applicability for free-space optical communication is …