Double correction framework for denoising recommendation
As its availability and generality in online services, implicit feedback is more commonly used
in recommender systems. However, implicit feedback usually presents noisy samples in real …
in recommender systems. However, implicit feedback usually presents noisy samples in real …
Popularity-aware alignment and contrast for mitigating popularity bias
Collaborative Filtering~(CF) typically suffers from the significant challenge of popularity bias
due to the uneven distribution of items in real-world datasets. This bias leads to a significant …
due to the uneven distribution of items in real-world datasets. This bias leads to a significant …
FairSort: Learning to Fair Rank for Personalized Recommendations in Two-Sided Platforms
Traditional recommendation systems focus on maximizing user satisfaction by suggesting
their favorite items. This user-centric approach may lead to unfair exposure distribution …
their favorite items. This user-centric approach may lead to unfair exposure distribution …
Boosting Multimedia Recommendation via Separate Generic and Unique Awareness
Multimedia recommendation, which incorporates various modalities (eg, images, texts, etc.)
into user or item representation to improve recommendation quality, has received …
into user or item representation to improve recommendation quality, has received …
When SparseMoE Meets Noisy Interactions: An Ensemble View on Denoising Recommendation
Learning user preferences from implicit feedback is one of the core challenges in
recommendation. The difficulty lies in the potential noise within implicit feedback. Therefore …
recommendation. The difficulty lies in the potential noise within implicit feedback. Therefore …
Towards Accurate and Fair Cognitive Diagnosis via Monotonic Data Augmentation
Intelligent education stands as a prominent application of machine learning. Within this
domain, cognitive diagnosis (CD) is a key research focus that aims to diagnose students' …
domain, cognitive diagnosis (CD) is a key research focus that aims to diagnose students' …