A corpus of Turkish offensive language on social media
This paper introduces a corpus of Turkish offensive language. To our knowledge, this is the
first corpus of offensive language for Turkish. The corpus consists of randomly sampled …
first corpus of offensive language for Turkish. The corpus consists of randomly sampled …
Sources of convergence in indigenous languages: Lexical variation in Yucatec Maya
Linguistic variation in space reflects patterns of social interaction. Gravity models have been
successfully used to capture the role of urban centers in the dissemination of innovations in …
successfully used to capture the role of urban centers in the dissemination of innovations in …
The case for a quantitative approach to the study of nonnative accent features
Research with nonnative speech spans many different linguistic branches and topics. Most
studies include one or a few well-known features of a particular accent. However, due to a …
studies include one or a few well-known features of a particular accent. However, due to a …
[HTML][HTML] Ethiosemitic languages: Classifications and classification determinants
The present study addresses three concerns:(1) presents the areal classification of
Ethiosemitic languages;(2) identifies major determinants of the distance among the …
Ethiosemitic languages;(2) identifies major determinants of the distance among the …
Map** the dimensions of linguistic distance: A study on South Ethiosemitic languages
We measured the distance among selected South Ethiosemitic languages from three
dimensions: structural, functional and perceptual. The main objectives of our study was to …
dimensions: structural, functional and perceptual. The main objectives of our study was to …
A question of dominance: Statistically approaching grammatical variation in German standard language across borders
This paper revisits the question of national varieties in German, a concept that still has not
found solid empirical proof, at least not from a quantitative-etic perspective. The question …
found solid empirical proof, at least not from a quantitative-etic perspective. The question …
17 Atlas linguistiques et perspectives dialectométriques
Les atlas du grand projet NALF relatifs au domaine occitan sont présentés dans les grandes
lignes, ainsi que la base de données THESOC, qui les réunit sous forme numérique …
lignes, ainsi que la base de données THESOC, qui les réunit sous forme numérique …
Hints at Georgian dialect history: A Study in miniature
This study proposes a set of hypotheses on the formation of the Georgian Dialect Network
(GDN) from the standpoint of Language Dynamics and Complex Systems Theory, through a …
(GDN) from the standpoint of Language Dynamics and Complex Systems Theory, through a …
A New Dataset for Tonal and Segmental Dialectometry from the Yue-and **hua-Speaking Area
Traditional dialectology or dialect geography is the study of geographical variation of
language. Originated in Europe and pioneered in Germany and France, this field has …
language. Originated in Europe and pioneered in Germany and France, this field has …
A dialectometric approach to inner Asia Minor Greek: Comparisons and associations between linguistic levels
Even though dialectometric approaches have significantly contributed to the development of
dialectology in the last few decades, no relevant analyses have ever been performed on …
dialectology in the last few decades, no relevant analyses have ever been performed on …