Ruthenium-nitrosyl complexes as NO-releasing molecules, potential anticancer drugs, and photoswitches based on linkage isomerism
The synthesis of new types of mono-and polynuclear ruthenium nitrosyl complexes is driving
progress in the field of NO generation for a variety of applications. Light-induced Ru-NO …
progress in the field of NO generation for a variety of applications. Light-induced Ru-NO …
Photocrystallographic studies on transition metal nitrito metastable linkage isomers: manipulating the metastable state
Conspectus The design of solid-state materials whose properties and functions can be
manipulated in a controlled manner by the application of light is an important objective in …
manipulated in a controlled manner by the application of light is an important objective in …
Ultrafast and persistent photoinduced phase transition at room temperature monitored by streaming powder diffraction
Ultrafast photoinduced phase transitions at room temperature, driven by a single laser shot
and persisting long after stimuli, represent emerging routes for ultrafast control over …
and persisting long after stimuli, represent emerging routes for ultrafast control over …
Excited-state vibration-polariton transitions and dynamics in nitroprusside
Strong cavity coupling to molecular vibrations creates vibration-polaritons capable of
modifying chemical reaction kinetics, product branching ratios, and charge transfer …
modifying chemical reaction kinetics, product branching ratios, and charge transfer …
Lattice Water Controlled Photo- and Thermochromism of N-Protonated Carbomethoxypyridinium Iodoargentate Hybrids
P Hao, C Guo, M Wang, J Shen, Y Fu - Inorganic Chemistry, 2019 - ACS Publications
Two iodoargentate hybrids,{[HNOM][AgI2]· H2O}(1) and {[HINOM][AgI2]· H2O}(2)(HNOM+=
N-protonated 3-carbomethoxypyridinium; HINOM+= N-protonated 4 …
N-protonated 3-carbomethoxypyridinium; HINOM+= N-protonated 4 …
Room‐temperature photogeneration of nitrosyl linkage isomers in ruthenium nitrosyl complexes
The conditions for the photogeneration of NO linkage isomers at room temperature are
studied. By pulsed laser irradiation in the blue spectral range, the long‐lived Ru− ON isomer …
studied. By pulsed laser irradiation in the blue spectral range, the long‐lived Ru− ON isomer …
Solid-State Photo-NMR Study on Light-Induced Nitrosyl Linkage Isomers Uncovers Their Structural, Electronic, and Diamagnetic Nature
A Gansmuller, AA Mikhailov, GA Kostin… - Analytical …, 2022 - ACS Publications
A light-induced linkage NO isomer (MS1) in trans-[Ru (15NO)(py) 419F](ClO4) 2 is detected
and measured for the first time by solid-state MAS NMR. Chemical shift tensors of 15N and …
and measured for the first time by solid-state MAS NMR. Chemical shift tensors of 15N and …
Electron transfer triggered sulfoxide isomerization in ruthenium and osmium complexes
JJ Rack - Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2009 - Elsevier
The background and achievements in the growing field of electron-transfer triggered
sulfoxide isomerizations is reviewed. Starting with the original electrochemical investigations …
sulfoxide isomerizations is reviewed. Starting with the original electrochemical investigations …
Photogeneration of two metastable NO linkage isomers with high populations of up to 76% in trans-[RuCl (py) 4 (NO)][PF 6] 2· ½H 2 O
D Schaniel, B Cormary, I Malfant, L Valade… - Physical Chemistry …, 2007 -
Two light-induced metastable NO linkage isomers with oxygen-bound (SI) and side-on
configuration (SII) of NO are generated in trans-[RuCl (py) 4 (NO)][PF6] 2· ½H2O. Irradiation …
configuration (SII) of NO are generated in trans-[RuCl (py) 4 (NO)][PF6] 2· ½H2O. Irradiation …
From Ultrafast Photoinduced Small Polarons to Cooperative and Macroscopic Charge‐Transfer Phase Transition
We study by femtosecond infrared spectroscopy the ultrafast and persistent photoinduced
phase transition of the Rb0. 94Mn0. 94Co0. 06 [Fe (CN) 6] 0.98⋅ 0.2 H2O material, induced …
phase transition of the Rb0. 94Mn0. 94Co0. 06 [Fe (CN) 6] 0.98⋅ 0.2 H2O material, induced …