Shape-shifting: changing animal morphologies as a response to climatic warming
Many animal appendages, such as avian beaks and mammalian ears, can be used to
dissipate excess body heat. Allen's rule, wherein animals in warmer climates have larger …
dissipate excess body heat. Allen's rule, wherein animals in warmer climates have larger …
The role of divergent ecological adaptation during allopatric speciation in vertebrates
After decades of debate, biologists today largely agree that most speciation events require
an allopatric phase (that is, geographic separation), but the role of adaptive ecological …
an allopatric phase (that is, geographic separation), but the role of adaptive ecological …
Thermal adaptation best explains Bergmann's and Allen's Rules across ecologically diverse shorebirds
Bergmann's and Allen's rules state that endotherms should be larger and have shorter
appendages in cooler climates. However, the drivers of these rules are not clear. Both rules …
appendages in cooler climates. However, the drivers of these rules are not clear. Both rules …
Allometry reveals trade-offs between Bergmann's and Allen's rules, and different avian adaptive strategies for thermoregulation
Animals tend to decrease in body size (Bergmann's rule) and elongate appendages (Allen's
rule) in warm climates. However, it is unknown whether these patterns depend on each …
rule) in warm climates. However, it is unknown whether these patterns depend on each …
Birds are better at regulating heat loss through their legs than their bills: Implications for body shape evolution in response to climate
Endotherms use their appendages—such as legs, tails, ears and bills—for thermoregulation
by controlling blood flow to near-surface blood vessels, conserving heat when it is cold, and …
by controlling blood flow to near-surface blood vessels, conserving heat when it is cold, and …
Pitfalls of ignoring trait resolution when drawing conclusions about ecological processes
Aim Understanding how ecological communities are assembled remains a grand challenge
in ecology with direct implications for charting the future of biodiversity. Trait‐based methods …
in ecology with direct implications for charting the future of biodiversity. Trait‐based methods …
The continued importance of comparative auditory research to modern scientific discovery
A rich history of comparative research in the auditory field has afforded a synthetic view of
sound information processing by ears and brains. Some organisms have proven to be …
sound information processing by ears and brains. Some organisms have proven to be …
The link between body size, colouration and thermoregulation and their integration into ecogeographical rules: a critical appraisal in light of climate change
Biological rules describe general morphological, structural and genetic patterns within and
across species. Within these, ecogeographical rules correlate phenotypic variation of …
across species. Within these, ecogeographical rules correlate phenotypic variation of …
Melting climates shrink North American small mammals
Mammals play important ecological roles in terrestrial ecosystems, with their particular
niches and their impacts on energy flow and nutrient cycling being strongly influenced by …
niches and their impacts on energy flow and nutrient cycling being strongly influenced by …
The contribution of genetic and environmental effects to Bergmann's rule and Allen's rule in house mice
Distinguishing between genetic, environmental, and genotype× environment effects is
central to understanding geographic variation in phenotypic clines. Two of the best …
central to understanding geographic variation in phenotypic clines. Two of the best …