Star clusters in evolving galaxies
F Renaud - New Astronomy Reviews, 2018 - Elsevier
Their ubiquity and extreme densities make star clusters probes of prime importance of
galaxy evolution. Old globular clusters keep imprints of the physical conditions of their …
galaxy evolution. Old globular clusters keep imprints of the physical conditions of their …
[หนังสือ][B] On Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for -Estimates of Riesz Transforms Associated to Elliptic Operators on and Related Estimates
P Auscher - 2007 -
This memoir focuses on $ Lp $ estimates for objects associated to elliptic operators in
divergence form: its semigroup, the gradient of the semigroup, functional calculus, square …
divergence form: its semigroup, the gradient of the semigroup, functional calculus, square …
A sharper view of Pal 5's tails: discovery of stream perturbations with a novel non-parametric technique
Abstract Only in the Milky Way is it possible to conduct an experiment that uses stellar
streams to detect low-mass dark matter subhaloes. In smooth and static host potentials, tidal …
streams to detect low-mass dark matter subhaloes. In smooth and static host potentials, tidal …
More on the structure of tidal tails
We investigate the epicyclic motion of stars esca** from star clusters. Using streaklines,
we visualize the path of esca** stars and show how epicyclic motion leads to over-and …
we visualize the path of esca** stars and show how epicyclic motion leads to over-and …
Tidal tails of star clusters
Based on recent findings of a formation mechanism of substructure in tidal tails by Küpper et
al., we investigate a more comprehensive set of N-body models of star clusters on orbits …
al., we investigate a more comprehensive set of N-body models of star clusters on orbits …
Open star clusters and their asymmetrical tidal tails
P Kroupa, J Pflamm-Altenburg… - The Astrophysical …, 2024 -
Stars that evaporate from their star cluster by the energy equipartition process end up in
either a leading or a trailing tidal tail. In Newtonian gravitation and for open star clusters in …
either a leading or a trailing tidal tail. In Newtonian gravitation and for open star clusters in …
On the structure of tidal tails
AHW Küpper, A Macleod… - Monthly Notices of the …, 2008 -
We examine the longitudinal distribution of the stars esca** from a cluster along tidal tails.
Using both theory and simulations, we show that, even in the case of a star cluster in a …
Using both theory and simulations, we show that, even in the case of a star cluster in a …
On feathers, bifurcations and shells: the dynamics of tidal streams across the mass scale
NC Amorisco - Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical …, 2015 -
I present an organic description of the spectrum of regimes of collisionless tidal streams and
define the orderings between the relevant physical quantities that shape their morphology …
define the orderings between the relevant physical quantities that shape their morphology …
Peculiarities in velocity dispersion and surface density profiles of star clusters
Based on our recent work on tidal tails of star clusters we investigate star clusters of a few
104 M⊙ by means of velocity dispersion profiles and surface density profiles. We use a …
104 M⊙ by means of velocity dispersion profiles and surface density profiles. We use a …
The e-TidalGCs project-Modeling the extra-tidal features generated by Galactic globular clusters
We present the e-TidalGCs project, aimed at modeling and predicting the extra-tidal features
surrounding all Galactic globular clusters for which 6D phase-space information, masses …
surrounding all Galactic globular clusters for which 6D phase-space information, masses …