Varieties of capitalism and institutional complementarities in the political economy: An empirical analysis
This article provides a statistical analysis of core contentions of the 'varieties of
capitalism'perspective on comparative capitalism. The authors construct indices to assess …
capitalism'perspective on comparative capitalism. The authors construct indices to assess …
[KIRJA][B] Beyond varieties of capitalism: Conflict, contradictions, and complementarities in the European economy
B Hancké, M Rhodes, M Thatcher - 2007 - books.google.com
Since the early 1990s, Europe's economies have been facing several new challenges: the
1992 single market programme, the collapse of the Berlin wall and eastward enlargement …
1992 single market programme, the collapse of the Berlin wall and eastward enlargement …
Political power and corporate control: The new global politics of corporate governance
PA Gourevitch, J Shinn - Political Power and Corporate Control, 2010 - degruyter.com
Why does corporate governance--front page news with the collapse of Enron, WorldCom,
and Parmalat--vary so dramatically around the world? This book explains how politics …
and Parmalat--vary so dramatically around the world? This book explains how politics …
What connects industrial relations and corporate governance? Explaining institutional complementarity
M Höpner - Socio-Economic Review, 2005 - academic.oup.com
The concept of institutional complementarity is central to the recent debate on the internal
logics of production regimes, redirecting our attention from the effects of single institutions to …
logics of production regimes, redirecting our attention from the effects of single institutions to …
Institutional coherence and macroeconomic performance
L Kenworthy - Socio-Economic Review, 2006 - academic.oup.com
Abstract Peter Hall and David Soskice suggest that institutional coherence is conducive to
successful macroeconomic outcomes. Countries with corporate governance arrangements …
successful macroeconomic outcomes. Countries with corporate governance arrangements …
Institutions and economic change: A critical survey of the new institutional approaches and empirical evidence
F Gagliardi - The Journal of Socio-Economics, 2008 - Elsevier
The purpose of this paper is to review the main literature that has analyzed the channels
through which institutions influence economic change, hence development. The interest for …
through which institutions influence economic change, hence development. The interest for …
Financial development and the growth of cooperative firms
F Gagliardi - Small Business Economics, 2009 - Springer
The purpose of this article is to empirically assess the relationship existing between local
financial development and the growth of firms, with a special focus on cooperatives. Using …
financial development and the growth of firms, with a special focus on cooperatives. Using …
The AI trilemma: Saving the planet without ruining our jobs
E Ernst - Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Digitalization and artificial intelligence increasingly affect the world of work. Rising risk of
massive job losses have sparked technological fears. Limited income and productivity gains …
massive job losses have sparked technological fears. Limited income and productivity gains …
How do financial markets affect industrial relations: an institutional complementarity approach
B Amable, E Ernst, S Palombarini - Socio-Economic Review, 2005 - academic.oup.com
This article presents a simple formal model of institutional complementarity (IC) applied to
industrial relations, and develops two important aspects of IC. We first develop a formal …
industrial relations, and develops two important aspects of IC. We first develop a formal …
[KIRJA][B] Federal banking in Brazil: Policies and competitive advantages
K e Von Mettenheim - 2015 - taylorfrancis.com
This study is the first in a decade to provide an overview of banking in Brazil. It is argued that
the big three federal banks have long provided essential policy alternatives and, since the …
the big three federal banks have long provided essential policy alternatives and, since the …