Forest microbiome and global change

P Baldrian, R López-Mondéjar, P Kohout - Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2023 -
Forests influence climate and mitigate global change through the storage of carbon in soils.
In turn, these complex ecosystems face important challenges, including increases in carbon …

Global field observations of tree die-off reveal hotter-drought fingerprint for Earth's forests

WM Hammond, AP Williams, JT Abatzoglou… - Nature …, 2022 -
Earth's forests face grave challenges in the Anthropocene, including hotter droughts
increasingly associated with widespread forest die-off events. But despite the vital …

Significant increase in natural disturbance impacts on European forests since 1950

M Patacca, M Lindner, ME Lucas‐Borja… - Global change …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Over the last decades, the natural disturbance is increasingly putting pressure on European
forests. Shifts in disturbance regimes may compromise forest functioning and the continuous …

Emerging signals of declining forest resilience under climate change

G Forzieri, V Dakos, NG McDowell, A Ramdane… - Nature, 2022 -
Forest ecosystems depend on their capacity to withstand and recover from natural and
anthropogenic perturbations (that is, their resilience) 1. Experimental evidence of sudden …

Agriculture, forestry and other land uses (chapter 7)

GJ Nabuurs, R Mrabet, A Abu Hatab, M Bustamante… - 2022 -
The Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector encompasses managed
ecosystems and offers significant mitigation opportunities while delivering food, wood and …

Transition from positive to negative indirect CO2 effects on the vegetation carbon uptake

Z Chen, W Wang, G Forzieri, A Cescatti - Nature Communications, 2024 -
Although elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (eCO2) has substantial indirect effects on
vegetation carbon uptake via associated climate change, their dynamics remain unclear …

[HTML][HTML] UAV-based forest health monitoring: A systematic review

S Ecke, J Dempewolf, J Frey, A Schwaller, E Endres… - Remote Sensing, 2022 -
In recent years, technological advances have led to the increasing use of unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs) for forestry applications. One emerging field for drone application is forest …

A climate risk analysis of Earth's forests in the 21st century

WRL Anderegg, C Wu, N Acil, N Carvalhais, TAM Pugh… - Science, 2022 -
Earth's forests harbor extensive biodiversity and are currently a major carbon sink. Forest
conservation and restoration can help mitigate climate change; however, climate change …

Warming-induced tree growth may help offset increasing disturbance across the Canadian boreal forest

J Wang, AR Taylor, L D'Orangeville - … of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023 -
Large projected increases in forest disturbance pose a major threat to future wood fiber
supply and carbon sequestration in the cold-limited, Canadian boreal forest ecosystem …

Net-zero approaches must consider Earth system impacts to achieve climate goals

K Zickfeld, AJ MacIsaac, JG Canadell, S Fuss… - Nature Climate …, 2023 -
Commitments to net-zero carbon dioxide (CO2) or greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions targets
now cover 88% of countries' emissions. Underlying the accounting behind net-zero …