'Not going to plan': Urban planning, flooding, and sustainability in port Harcourt City, Nigeria

A Echendu, N Georgeou - Urban Forum, 2021 - Springer
Flooding is the most widespread environmental disaster in Nigeria and flooding impacts are
exacerbated by poor urban planning. Flooding is a direct impediment to Nigeria achieving …

Participation in practice in community-driven development projects in Afghanistan: A case study of Herat City

A Hanif, BA Khakpoor, OA Kharazmi, N Loodin - Global Social Welfare, 2023 - Springer
Poverty, lack of volunteering culture, and low level of literacy are some of the problems that
challenge the true engagement of local communities in decision-making processes in …

Improving the quality of life of urban communities in develo** countries

Z Muhammed, IR Abubakar - Responsible Consumption and Production, 2022 - Springer
Environment has direct relationships with all living being including humans. Any change in
environment can have positive or negative impacts in every stage of life system. To some …

Urban planners' perspectives of public participation in planning in Nigeria

AJ Echendu - SN Social Sciences, 2023 - Springer
Public/community participation is globally recognized today as an integral aspect of urban
planning. This is evident in various international, national, and local planning standards …

Perceived constraints to public participation in contemporary Nigerian land-use planning

AI Badiora, DB Ojo - Town and Regional Planning, 2021 - ajol.info
Public participation (PP) has become a major feature of land-use planning, sanctioned by
national and international laws as a platform for state, civil societies and citizens' …

Assessing public participation in tourism-related urban regeneration: A case of Kochi Heritage City, India

F Rahman, N Halim, A Ahad - Malaysian Journal of …, 2022 - myjms.mohe.gov.my
In most develo** countries, public participation has been considered as a key component
for development initiatives. It refers to as an important factor in policymaking for the design …

Understanding Factors that Increase Citizens' Participation in Community Development Projects in Lagos, Nigeria

SA Akinyemi - 2020 - search.proquest.com
Despite billions of dollars spent and hundreds of studies conducted, there seems to have
been progress made in meeting the housing and infrastructures shortages in Less …

Adapting the Singapore model to Nigeria's urban management: possibilities and challenges

AJ Echendu - Region, 2022 - openjournals.wu.ac.at
Nigeria and Singapore are two countries that bear some historical similarities as well as
differences. Singapore has emerged as a poster child for sustainable urban development …

Evaluating Public Participation in a Project Plan Review: A Nigerian Case Study

AI Badiora, AI Bako, DO Olaleye - Journal of …, 2020 - … journals.publicknowledgeproject.org
Background: Rooted in national and international laws regarding project planning and
implementation is public participation. However, it is unclear whether public projects are …

[PDF][PDF] Community Participation in Urban Road Infrastructure Development Projects: The Case of Wolkite Town, Ethiopia

FM Zeliku - Int. J. Sci. Res. in Multidisciplinary Studies Vol, 2022 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Accepted: 24/Nov/2022, Online: 31/Dec/2022 Abstract—The purpose of this study was to
examine community participation in road infrastructure development projects in Wolkite …