Colour centre generation in diamond for quantum technologies

JM Smith, SA Meynell, AC Bleszynski Jayich… - Nanophotonics, 2019 -
Effective methods to generate colour centres in diamond and other wide band-gap materials
are essential to the realisation of solid state quantum technologies based on such systems …

Modelling exciton–phonon interactions in optically driven quantum dots

A Nazir, DPS McCutcheon - Journal of Physics: Condensed …, 2016 -
We provide a self-contained review of master equation approaches to modelling phonon
effects in optically driven self-assembled quantum dots. Coupling of the (quasi) two-level …

Laser writing of coherent colour centres in diamond

YC Chen, PS Salter, S Knauer, L Weng… - Nature …, 2017 -
Optically active point defects in crystals have gained widespread attention as photonic
systems that could be applied in quantum information technologies,. However, challenges …

Scalable focused ion beam creation of nearly lifetime-limited single quantum emitters in diamond nanostructures

T Schröder, ME Trusheim, M Walsh, L Li… - Nature …, 2017 -
The controlled creation of defect centre—nanocavity systems is one of the outstanding
challenges for efficiently interfacing spin quantum memories with photons for photon-based …

Photonic architecture for scalable quantum information processing in diamond

K Nemoto, M Trupke, SJ Devitt, AM Stephens… - Physical Review X, 2014 - APS
Physics and information are intimately connected, and the ultimate information processing
devices will be those that harness the principles of quantum mechanics. Many physical …

Electronic structure of the negatively charged silicon-vacancy center in diamond

LJ Rogers, KD Jahnke, MW Doherty, A Dietrich… - Physical Review B, 2014 - APS
The negatively charged silicon-vacancy (SiV−) center in diamond is a promising single-
photon source for quantum communications and information processing. However, the …

Subnatural linewidth single photons from a quantum dot

C Matthiesen, AN Vamivakas, M Atatüre - Physical Review Letters, 2012 - APS
The observation of quantum-dot resonance fluorescence enabled a new solid-state
approach to generating single photons with a bandwidth approaching the natural linewidth …

Coupling of a single nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond to a fiber-based microcavity

R Albrecht, A Bommer, C Deutsch, J Reichel… - Physical review letters, 2013 - APS
We report on the coupling of a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in a nanodiamond to a
fiber-based microcavity at room temperature. Investigating the very same NV center inside …

One-and two-dimensional photonic crystal microcavities in single crystal diamond

J Riedrich-Möller, L Kipfstuhl, C Hepp, E Neu… - Nature …, 2012 -
Diamond is an attractive material for photonic quantum technologies because its colour
centres have a number of outstanding properties, including bright single photon emission …

Topological quantum computing with a very noisy network and local error rates approaching one percent

NH Nickerson, Y Li, SC Benjamin - Nature communications, 2013 -
A scalable quantum computer could be built by networking together many simple processor
cells, thus avoiding the need to create a single complex structure. The difficulty is that …