Colour centre generation in diamond for quantum technologies
Effective methods to generate colour centres in diamond and other wide band-gap materials
are essential to the realisation of solid state quantum technologies based on such systems …
are essential to the realisation of solid state quantum technologies based on such systems …
Modelling exciton–phonon interactions in optically driven quantum dots
We provide a self-contained review of master equation approaches to modelling phonon
effects in optically driven self-assembled quantum dots. Coupling of the (quasi) two-level …
effects in optically driven self-assembled quantum dots. Coupling of the (quasi) two-level …
Laser writing of coherent colour centres in diamond
Optically active point defects in crystals have gained widespread attention as photonic
systems that could be applied in quantum information technologies,. However, challenges …
systems that could be applied in quantum information technologies,. However, challenges …
Scalable focused ion beam creation of nearly lifetime-limited single quantum emitters in diamond nanostructures
The controlled creation of defect centre—nanocavity systems is one of the outstanding
challenges for efficiently interfacing spin quantum memories with photons for photon-based …
challenges for efficiently interfacing spin quantum memories with photons for photon-based …
Photonic architecture for scalable quantum information processing in diamond
Physics and information are intimately connected, and the ultimate information processing
devices will be those that harness the principles of quantum mechanics. Many physical …
devices will be those that harness the principles of quantum mechanics. Many physical …
Electronic structure of the negatively charged silicon-vacancy center in diamond
The negatively charged silicon-vacancy (SiV−) center in diamond is a promising single-
photon source for quantum communications and information processing. However, the …
photon source for quantum communications and information processing. However, the …
Subnatural linewidth single photons from a quantum dot
The observation of quantum-dot resonance fluorescence enabled a new solid-state
approach to generating single photons with a bandwidth approaching the natural linewidth …
approach to generating single photons with a bandwidth approaching the natural linewidth …
Coupling of a single nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond to a fiber-based microcavity
R Albrecht, A Bommer, C Deutsch, J Reichel… - Physical review letters, 2013 - APS
We report on the coupling of a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in a nanodiamond to a
fiber-based microcavity at room temperature. Investigating the very same NV center inside …
fiber-based microcavity at room temperature. Investigating the very same NV center inside …
One-and two-dimensional photonic crystal microcavities in single crystal diamond
Diamond is an attractive material for photonic quantum technologies because its colour
centres have a number of outstanding properties, including bright single photon emission …
centres have a number of outstanding properties, including bright single photon emission …
Topological quantum computing with a very noisy network and local error rates approaching one percent
A scalable quantum computer could be built by networking together many simple processor
cells, thus avoiding the need to create a single complex structure. The difficulty is that …
cells, thus avoiding the need to create a single complex structure. The difficulty is that …