Modeling and analysis of premixed flame dynamics by means of distributed time delays

W Polifke - Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2020 - Elsevier
The unsteady response of a flame to acoustic or flow perturbations plays a crucial role in
thermoacoustic combustion instability. The majority of studies on this subject presents and …

Thermoacoustic modes of intrinsic and acoustic origin and their interplay with exceptional points

A Orchini, CF Silva, GA Mensah, JP Moeck - Combustion and Flame, 2020 - Elsevier
We propose a general classification of all the modes of a given thermoacoustic system into
two sets: one of acoustic origin and one of intrinsic thermoacoustic (ITA) origin. To do this …

Numerical study of experimental feasible heat release rate markers for NH3–H2-air premixed flames

H Zhang, X Han, J Jiang, X Li, X Gan, B Zhou - International Journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract Ammonia (NH 3) and hydrogen (H 2) as carbon-free fuels have attracted much
attention for combustion applications in recent years. Co-firing ammonia with hydrogen …

[HTML][HTML] The effect of hydrogen enrichment on thermoacoustic instabilities in laminar conical premixed methane/air flames

A Giannotta, S Cherubini, P De Palma - International Journal of Hydrogen …, 2023 - Elsevier
We perform a conceptual study about the linear stability of a hydrogen-enriched methane-air
premixed laminar flame inside a cylindrical duct with both ends open. The flame and …

Investigating the effect of local addition of hydrogen to acoustically excited ethylene and methane flames

T Hussain, M Talibi, R Balachandran - International Journal of Hydrogen …, 2019 - Elsevier
While lean combustion in gas turbines is known to reduce NOx, it makes combustors more
prone to thermo-acoustic instabilities, which can lead to deterioration in engine …

Combining analytical models and LES data to determine the transfer function from swirled premixed flames

F Dupuy, M Gatti, C Mirat, L Gicquel, F Nicoud… - Combustion and …, 2020 - Elsevier
A methodology is developed where the acoustic response of a swirl stabilized flame is
obtained from a reduced set of simulations. Building upon previous analytical flame transfer …

Thermoacoustic stabilization of a longitudinal combustor using adjoint methods

JG Aguilar, MP Juniper - Physical Review Fluids, 2020 - APS
We construct a low-order thermoacoustic network model that contains the most influential
physical mechanisms of a thermoacoustic system. We apply it to a laboratory-scale …

Effect of inlet flow turbulence on flame–vortex dynamics during thermo-acoustically induced flame flashback in a premixed dump combustor

P Pancharia, V Ramanan, R Sampath… - … Thermal and Fluid …, 2022 - Elsevier
The present article reports the investigation on the effect of inlet flow turbulence on flame–
vortex dynamics during the thermo-acoustically induced flame flashback in a premixed …

Data assimilation and optimal calibration in nonlinear models of flame dynamics

H Yu, T Jaravel, M Ihme… - … of Engineering for …, 2019 -
We propose an on-the-fly statistical learning method to take a qualitative reduced-order
model of the dynamics of a premixed flame and make it quantitatively accurate. This physics …

Ensemble-averaged kinematics of harmonically oscillating turbulent premixed flames

K Kim, YJ Kim, AJ Aspden, D Shin - Combustion and Flame, 2023 - Elsevier
Direct numerical simulation (DNS) was used to characterize the kinematics of ensemble-
averaged flame position in harmonically oscillating turbulent premixed flames. The flames …