Selectivity of fishing gears used in the Baltic Sea cod fishery

N Madsen - Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 2007 - Springer
Abstract The Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) plays a very significant role in the Baltic Sea
ecosystem being the major fish top predator and the most important commercial species for …

Estimating fisheries‐induced selection: traditional gear selectivity research meets fisheries‐induced evolution

A Kuparinen, S Kuikka, J Merilä - Evolutionary Applications, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
The study of fisheries‐induced evolution is a research field which is becoming recognized
both as an important and interesting problem in applied evolution, as well as a practical …

Selectivity of large mesh trawl codends in the Gulf of Maine: I. Comparison of square and diamond mesh

P He - Fisheries Research, 2007 - Elsevier
Selectivity properties of five codend types were evaluated using the covered codend
method. The codends tested were 152, 165 and 178mm diamond mesh codends, and 165 …

A meta‐analysis of haddock size‐selection data

RJ Fryer, FG O'Neill, A Edridge - Fish and Fisheries, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Many jurisdictions have introduced management regimes prohibiting or limiting discarding,
and a key objective of the European Union Common Fisheries Policy is the gradual …

Size selection of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) in square mesh codends: A study based on assessment of decisive morphology for mesh penetration

LA Krag, B Herrmann, N Madsen, RP Frandsen - Fisheries Research, 2011 - Elsevier
In the past, experimental fishing with square mesh codends was conducted with the
expectation that this would lead to a better defined size selection indicated by a smaller …

A bio-economic analysis of experimental selective devices in the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) fishery in the Bayof Biscay

A Raveau, C Macher, S Méhault… - Aquatic Living …, 2012 -
Several fleets with various fishing strategies operate as a mixed fishery in the Bay of Biscay.
Among the main fleets, bottom trawlers target Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) and …

A fish stock assessment model using survey data when estimates of catch are unreliable

RM Cook - Fisheries Research, 2013 - Elsevier
Methods of assessment that depend upon commercial catch data can be undermined by
misreporting or where parts of the catch, such as discards, are not accounted for. An age …

Seasonal variation in the trawl codend selectivity of red mullet (Mullus barbatus)

H Özbilgin, Z Tosunoğlu, A Tokaç, G Metin - Turkish Journal of Fisheries …, 2011 -
Seasonal changes in the selectivity of 40 mm PE codend were investigated in the Eastern
Aegean Sea. Selectivity of the same codend was tested for red mullet (Mullus barbatus), by …

Seasonal variation in the trawl codend selectivity of picarel (Spicare smaris)

H Özbilgin, Z Tosunoğlu, A Tokaç… - ICES Journal of Marine …, 2007 -
Özbilgin, H., Tosunoğlu, Z., Tokaç, A., and Metin, G. 2007. Seasonal variation in the trawl
codend selectivity of picarel (Spicare smaris).–ICES Journal of Marine Science, 64: 1569 …

Codend selection in the deep-water crustacean trawl fishery in Portuguese southern waters

P Fonseca, A Campos, RB Millar - Fisheries Research, 2007 - Elsevier
In this paper, the potential improvement of size-selectivity by increasing codend mesh size
and changing twine type is addressed for the main commercial species exploited by …