
郝欣, 王江江 - 分布式能源, 2019 - epjournal.csee.org.cn
为解决单纯的太阳能热发电成本较高, 能量利用率较低的问题, 提出了一种基于太阳能辅助的
燃气-蒸汽联合循环的冷热电联产系统. 为了提高系统热电调节灵活性, 将燃气轮机的烟气废热分 …

[CITATA][C] An overview of polygeneration as a sustainable energy solution in the future

MR Hani, M Mahidin, E Erdiwansyah… - Journal of Advanced …, 2020 - akademiabaru.com
Better systems can be produced from various utility outputs that are integrated to make
choices. The emergence of polygeneration after triggers and cogeneration can be used as …