Theoretical analysis on effect of band offsets in perovskite solar cells
The effect of band offsets in CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3-x Cl x perovskite-based solar cells with planar
junction configuration was analyzed using one-dimensional device simulator. As widely …
junction configuration was analyzed using one-dimensional device simulator. As widely …
Device modeling of perovskite solar cells based on structural similarity with thin film inorganic semiconductor solar cells
Device modeling of CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3− x Cl 3 perovskite-based solar cells was performed.
The perovskite solar cells employ a similar structure with inorganic semiconductor solar …
The perovskite solar cells employ a similar structure with inorganic semiconductor solar …
Impact of work function of back contact of perovskite solar cells without hole transport material analyzed by device simulation
The impact of the work function of a metal back contact on lead methylammonium tri-iodide
based perovskite solar cells without hole transport material (HTM) was analyzed using …
based perovskite solar cells without hole transport material (HTM) was analyzed using …
Performance assessment of earth-abundant Kesterite and lead-free chalcogenide-based perovskite solar cells using SCAPS-1D
One of the best-studied ways to produce renewable energy is efficiently converting photons
into electrical energy using environmentally acceptable materials. In this theoretical …
into electrical energy using environmentally acceptable materials. In this theoretical …
Third-generation Cu-In-Ga-(S, Se)-based solar inverters
This paper reviews literature data on thin-film solar cells with absorber layers based on
quaternary copper compounds Cu-In-Ga-(S, Se)(CIGS). The paper considers methods of …
quaternary copper compounds Cu-In-Ga-(S, Se)(CIGS). The paper considers methods of …
Numerical reproduction of a perovskite solar cell by device simulation considering band gap grading
Recent progress in halide perovskite solar cells exceeding 20% efficiency is remarkable.
However, the understanding of device operation based on reasonable device model and …
However, the understanding of device operation based on reasonable device model and …
Graded band-gap engineering for increased efficiency in CZTS solar cells
In this paper, we propose a potential high efficiency Cu 2 ZnSn (S, Se) 4/CdS (CZTS) solar
cell design based on graded band-gap engineering that can offer the benefits of improved …
cell design based on graded band-gap engineering that can offer the benefits of improved …
Simulation of perovskite solar cell with P3HT hole-transporting materials
E Karimi, SMB Ghorashi - Journal of Nanophotonics, 2017 -
The performance (PCE) of perovskite solar cells was investigated using the simulation
programs solar cell capacitance simulator and analysis of microelectronic and photonic …
programs solar cell capacitance simulator and analysis of microelectronic and photonic …
Efficiency enhancement of ultra-thin CIGS solar cells using bandgap grading and embedding Au plasmonic nanoparticles
The objective of this study is to enhance the efficiency of copper indium gallium selenide
(CIGS) solar cells. To accomplish that, composition grading of absorber layer was carried …
(CIGS) solar cells. To accomplish that, composition grading of absorber layer was carried …
Determination of photovoltaic parameters of CIGS hetero junction solar cells produced by PLD technique, using SCAPS simulation program
In this study, CIGS ultrathin films of 52 nm, 89 nm, 183 nm and 244 nm thicknesses were
grown on a n-Si substrate using PLD technique, then Ag/CIGS/Si/Al hetero-junction solar …
grown on a n-Si substrate using PLD technique, then Ag/CIGS/Si/Al hetero-junction solar …