[PDF][PDF] High-level information fusion: An overview

PH Foo, GW Ng - Journal of Advances in Information Fusion, 2013 - isif.org
In general, data and information fusion can provide enhancement to the outcomes of
processes for solving various application problems. Some advantages of carrying out DIF …

[PDF][PDF] Utilization of multi attribute decision making techniques to integrate automatic and manual ranking of options

A Karami, R Johansson - Journal of information science and …, 2013 - repository.uel.ac.uk
An information fusion system with local sensors sometimes requires the capability to
represent the temporal changes of uncertain sensory information in dynamic and uncertain …

Utilization and comparison of multi attribute decision making techniques to rank Bayesian network options

A Karami - 2011 - diva-portal.org
A fusion system sometimes requires the capability to represent the temporal changes of
uncertain sensory information in dynamic and uncertain situation. A Bayesian Network can …

Dynamic and context aware reporting of observations from the field for situation assessment in crisis situation: An integrated system for information-gathering and …

A Horndahl, L Gisslén - Information Systems for Crisis Response and …, 2015 - Springer
An efficient process for gathering data from the field is crucial in managing crisis scenarios.
In this paper we present a concept system for crisis management with focus on how …

Towards a Generic Semantic Model for the Representation of Accident Scenarios in the Field of Transport

A Maalel, L Mejri, HB Ghézala - … for Crisis Response and Management in …, 2015 - Springer
In order to streamline and strengthen the knowledge acquisition process from experience
feedback (accident scenarios in transport), it is necessary to harmonize and standardize the …

[PDF][PDF] Artificiell Intelligens för Militärt Beslutsstöd

J Schubert - 2017 - researchgate.net
I den här rapporten ger vi en översikt över metoder och tillämpningar med artificiell
intelligens för militärt beslutsstöd. Fokus ligger på de taktiska och operativa nivåerna …

[CITARE][C] Multi-attribute Decision Making for Threat Analysis

A Karamia, R Johanssonb - 2011 - Linkö**, FOI

[CITARE][C] Analytiska verktyg

T Gustavi, F Johansson, R Johansson, M Jändel…