Applying molecular and genetic methods to trees and their fungal communities

M Müller, U Kües, KB Budde, O Gailing - Applied Microbiology and …, 2023 - Springer
Forests provide invaluable economic, ecological, and social services. At the same time, they
are exposed to several threats, such as fragmentation, changing climatic conditions, or …

Clonal genomic population structure of Beauveria brongniartii and Beauveria pseudobassiana: Pathogens of the common European cockchafer (Melolontha …

C Pedrazzini, SA Rehner, H Strasser… - Environmental …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Beauveria brongniartii is a fungal pathogen that infects the beetle Melolontha melolontha, a
significant agricultural pest in Europe. While research has primarily focused on the use of B …

Invasion success of a widespread invasive predator may be explained by a high predatory efficacy but may be influenced by pathogen infection

WNW Fincham, AM Dunn, LE Brown, H Hesketh… - Biological …, 2019 - Springer
Invasive alien species (IAS) can drive community change through ecological interactions.
Parasites and pathogens can play an important role in community function including …

Parasite invasions and impact potential

DA Warren, K Bacela-Spychalska… - Parasites and …, 2023 -
Parasitism is an important predictor of biological invasions. The presence or absence of
parasitic organisms can affect how invasive alien species (IAS) become established in a …

The population genetic structure of the European cockchafer Melolontha melolontha and its fungal pathogens Beauveria brongniartii and Beauveria pseudobassiana …

C Pedrazzini - 2023 -
Insect species encounter a variety of antagonists during their lifespan, including bacteria,
nematodes, viruses, and fungi, which act as natural regulators of insect populations. Among …

Comparison of wheat growth-response to endophytic'Beauveria bassiana'(Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) derived from an insect versus plant host

LF Motholo, M Booyse, JL Hatting… - Australian Journal of …, 2019 -
'Beauveria bassiana'(Hypocreales) is a cosmopolitan entomopathogen, infecting> 700
insect species. Although traditionally associated with insects, endophytic colonisation of …

[HTML][HTML] Влияние биопрепарата вертициллин М на основе экстракта энтомопатогенного гриба Lecanicillium muscarium и его инсектицидных метаболитов на …

ГВ Митина, ЕГ Козлова, ИМ Пазюк - Вестник защиты растений, 2018 -
Защита растений от вредителей в закрытом грунте, включая производство
меристемного картофеля, испытывает острый дефицит экологически безопасных и …

Succès d'invasion et écologie des communautés des espèces de Coccinellidae introduites pour la lutte biologique en milieu insulaire tropical

M Baujeu - 2024 -
Les Coccinellidae, dont le régime alimentaire polyphage inclut la prédation d'insectes
Hémiptères phytophages ont suscité de multiples tentatives d'acclimatation pour réguler …

Genotype diversity and pathogenicity of Beauveria spp. Isolates from different ecoregions of Georgia

N Kunelauri, V Baramidze, E Mikeladze… - The Journal of Nature …, 2019 -
In this study entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria spp. from various ecoregions of Georgia
have been studied morphological and on the genome level. After morphological analysis of …

Screening of Medical Plants on Skin Cancer Cell Lines A375 and B16 Using Cell Viability Assay

O Saleem - 2019 -
2019 dissertation for MRes. According to the cancer research UK (2017), 14.1 million new
cases of cancer were registered leading to the death of 8.2 million patients in 2012. It is …