Trace metals in pyrite and marcasite from the Agua Rica porphyry-high sulfidation epithermal deposit, Catamarca, Argentina: Textural features and metal zoning at the …
M Franchini, C McFarlane, L Maydagán, M Reich… - Ore Geology …, 2015 - Elsevier
Agua Rica is a world-class Cu (Mo–Au) deposit located in Catamarca, Argentina, in which
the porphyry and high sulfidation epithermal stages are juxtaposed due to the telesco** of …
the porphyry and high sulfidation epithermal stages are juxtaposed due to the telesco** of …
Intermediate sulfidation type base metal mineralization at Aliabad-Khanchy, Tarom-Hasht** metallogenic belt, NW Iran
Abstract The Aliabad-Khanchy epithermal base metal deposit is located in the Tarom-
Hasht** metallogenic belt (THMB) of northwest Iran. The mineralization occurs as Cu …
Hasht** metallogenic belt (THMB) of northwest Iran. The mineralization occurs as Cu …
Intermediate sulfidation epithermal gold-base metal deposits in Tertiary subaerial volcanic rocks, Sahinli/Tespih Dere (Lapseki/Western Turkey)
H Yilmaz, T Oyman, FN Sonmez, GB Arehart… - Ore Geology Reviews, 2010 - Elsevier
Gold in the Sahinli and Tespih Dere intermediate sulfidation gold-base metal deposits in
Western Turkey occurs in relatively deep epithermal quartz veins along with base metal …
Western Turkey occurs in relatively deep epithermal quartz veins along with base metal …
Ore geology, fluid inclusions and OS stable isotope characteristics of Shurab Sb-polymetallic vein deposit, eastern Iran
Abstract The Shurab Sb-polymetallic mineralization is a subvolcanic rock-hosted epithermal
deposit and located in north Lut Block, eastern Iran. It is one of the most important deposits …
deposit and located in north Lut Block, eastern Iran. It is one of the most important deposits …
The Patricia Zn–Pb–Ag epithermal ore deposit: An uncommon type of mineralization in northeastern Chile
The Patricia ore deposit represents an unusual example of economic Zn–Pb–Ag
mineralization at the northernmost end of the Late Eocene–Oligocene metallogenic belt in …
mineralization at the northernmost end of the Late Eocene–Oligocene metallogenic belt in …
Gold–silver mineralization in porphyry–epithermal systems of the Baimka trend, western Chukchi Peninsula, Russia
YN Nikolaev, IA Baksheev, VY Prokofiev… - Geology of ore …, 2016 - Springer
Mineralogical, fluid inclusion, and geochemical studies of precious metal mineralization
within the Baimka trend in the western Chukchi Peninsula have been preformed. Porphyry …
within the Baimka trend in the western Chukchi Peninsula have been preformed. Porphyry …
Au–Ag минерализация порфирово-эпитермальных систем Баимской зоны (Западная Чукотка, Россия)
ЮН Николаев, ИА Бакшеев, ВЮ Прокофьев… - Геология рудных …, 2016 -
Проведены минералогические, термобарогеохимические и геохимические
исследования благороднометального оруденения Баимской рудной зоны на Западной …
исследования благороднометального оруденения Баимской рудной зоны на Западной …
Mineralogy of the Tumanny Au-Ag-Te-Hg epithermal veins, Western Chukchi Peninsula, Russia
IA Baksheev, EA Vlasov, YN Nikolaev… - Ore Geology …, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract The Tumanny Au-Ag-Te-Hg epithermal prospect, Chukchi Peninsula, Russia is
located in the near contact zone of the large Vuknei pluton, part of the Early Cretaceous …
located in the near contact zone of the large Vuknei pluton, part of the Early Cretaceous …
Significance of phyllosilicate mineralogy and mineral chemistry in an epithermal environment. Insights from the Palai-Islica Au-Cu deposit (Almeria, SE Spain)
J Carrillo-Rosúa, S Morales-Ruano… - Clays and Clay …, 2009 -
Phyllosilicate mineralogy is key to understanding hydrothermal processes within accepted
epithermal deposit models but little information has been published about the mineral …
epithermal deposit models but little information has been published about the mineral …
“Transylvanian gold” of hydrothermal origin: an EMPA study in an archaeological provenancing perspective
For the last 2000 years gold has been mined in the Southern Apuseni Mountains in
Romania from both primary (hydrothermal) and secondary (river placer) deposits. The gold …
Romania from both primary (hydrothermal) and secondary (river placer) deposits. The gold …