Trace metals in pyrite and marcasite from the Agua Rica porphyry-high sulfidation epithermal deposit, Catamarca, Argentina: Textural features and metal zoning at the …

M Franchini, C McFarlane, L Maydagán, M Reich… - Ore Geology …, 2015 - Elsevier
Agua Rica is a world-class Cu (Mo–Au) deposit located in Catamarca, Argentina, in which
the porphyry and high sulfidation epithermal stages are juxtaposed due to the telesco** of …

Intermediate sulfidation type base metal mineralization at Aliabad-Khanchy, Tarom-Hasht** metallogenic belt, NW Iran

H Kouhestani, MAA Mokhtari, Z Chang… - Ore Geology Reviews, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract The Aliabad-Khanchy epithermal base metal deposit is located in the Tarom-
Hasht** metallogenic belt (THMB) of northwest Iran. The mineralization occurs as Cu …

Intermediate sulfidation epithermal gold-base metal deposits in Tertiary subaerial volcanic rocks, Sahinli/Tespih Dere (Lapseki/Western Turkey)

H Yilmaz, T Oyman, FN Sonmez, GB Arehart… - Ore Geology Reviews, 2010 - Elsevier
Gold in the Sahinli and Tespih Dere intermediate sulfidation gold-base metal deposits in
Western Turkey occurs in relatively deep epithermal quartz veins along with base metal …

Ore geology, fluid inclusions and OS stable isotope characteristics of Shurab Sb-polymetallic vein deposit, eastern Iran

B Mehrabi, ET Fazel, B Yardley - Geochemistry, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract The Shurab Sb-polymetallic mineralization is a subvolcanic rock-hosted epithermal
deposit and located in north Lut Block, eastern Iran. It is one of the most important deposits …

The Patricia Zn–Pb–Ag epithermal ore deposit: An uncommon type of mineralization in northeastern Chile

D Chinchilla, L Ortega, R Piña, R Merinero… - Ore Geology …, 2016 - Elsevier
The Patricia ore deposit represents an unusual example of economic Zn–Pb–Ag
mineralization at the northernmost end of the Late Eocene–Oligocene metallogenic belt in …

Gold–silver mineralization in porphyry–epithermal systems of the Baimka trend, western Chukchi Peninsula, Russia

YN Nikolaev, IA Baksheev, VY Prokofiev… - Geology of ore …, 2016 - Springer
Mineralogical, fluid inclusion, and geochemical studies of precious metal mineralization
within the Baimka trend in the western Chukchi Peninsula have been preformed. Porphyry …

Au–Ag минерализация порфирово-эпитермальных систем Баимской зоны (Западная Чукотка, Россия)

ЮН Николаев, ИА Бакшеев, ВЮ Прокофьев… - Геология рудных …, 2016 -
Проведены минералогические, термобарогеохимические и геохимические
исследования благороднометального оруденения Баимской рудной зоны на Западной …

Mineralogy of the Tumanny Au-Ag-Te-Hg epithermal veins, Western Chukchi Peninsula, Russia

IA Baksheev, EA Vlasov, YN Nikolaev… - Ore Geology …, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract The Tumanny Au-Ag-Te-Hg epithermal prospect, Chukchi Peninsula, Russia is
located in the near contact zone of the large Vuknei pluton, part of the Early Cretaceous …

Significance of phyllosilicate mineralogy and mineral chemistry in an epithermal environment. Insights from the Palai-Islica Au-Cu deposit (Almeria, SE Spain)

J Carrillo-Rosúa, S Morales-Ruano… - Clays and Clay …, 2009 -
Phyllosilicate mineralogy is key to understanding hydrothermal processes within accepted
epithermal deposit models but little information has been published about the mineral …

“Transylvanian gold” of hydrothermal origin: an EMPA study in an archaeological provenancing perspective

D Pop, C Ionescu, F Forray… - European Journal …, 2011 -
For the last 2000 years gold has been mined in the Southern Apuseni Mountains in
Romania from both primary (hydrothermal) and secondary (river placer) deposits. The gold …