Machine learning in modelling land-use and land cover-change (LULCC): Current status, challenges and prospects
Land-use and land-cover change (LULCC) are of importance in natural resource
management, environmental modelling and assessment, and agricultural production …
management, environmental modelling and assessment, and agricultural production …
Few-shot hyperspectral image classification with unknown classes using multitask deep learning
Current hyperspectral image classification assumes that a predefined classification system
is closed and complete, and there are no unknown or novel classes in the unseen data …
is closed and complete, and there are no unknown or novel classes in the unseen data …
An assessment of the effectiveness of a random forest classifier for land-cover classification
Land cover monitoring using remotely sensed data requires robust classification methods
which allow for the accurate map** of complex land cover and land use categories …
which allow for the accurate map** of complex land cover and land use categories …
Random Forest classification of Mediterranean land cover using multi-seasonal imagery and multi-seasonal texture
VF Rodriguez-Galiano, M Chica-Olmo… - Remote Sensing of …, 2012 - Elsevier
A Random Forest (RF) classifier was applied to spectral as well as mono-and multi-seasonal
textural features extracted from Landsat TM imagery to increase the accuracy of land cover …
textural features extracted from Landsat TM imagery to increase the accuracy of land cover …
Crop classification of upland fields using Random forest of time-series Landsat 7 ETM+ data
Crop classification of homogeneous landscapes and phenology is a common requirement to
estimate land cover map**, monitoring, and land use categories accurately. In recent …
estimate land cover map**, monitoring, and land use categories accurately. In recent …
Land cover classification and change analysis of the Twin Cities (Minnesota) Metropolitan Area by multitemporal Landsat remote sensing
The importance of accurate and timely information describing the nature and extent of land
resources and changes over time is increasing, especially in rapidly growing metropolitan …
resources and changes over time is increasing, especially in rapidly growing metropolitan …
Land-cover map** using Random Forest classification and incorporating NDVI time-series and texture: A case study of central Shandong
Land-cover map** in complex farming area is a difficult task because of the complex
pattern of vegetation and rugged mountains with fast-flowing rivers, and it requires a method …
pattern of vegetation and rugged mountains with fast-flowing rivers, and it requires a method …
Land use/land cover change analysis and its impact on soil properties in the northern part of Gadarif region, Sudan
Several decades of intensive dry land farming in the Gadarif region, located in the Eastern
part of Sudan, has led to rapid land use/land cover (LULC) changes mainly due to …
part of Sudan, has led to rapid land use/land cover (LULC) changes mainly due to …
Map** land cover using remote sensing data and GIS techniques: A case study of Prahova Subcarpathians
This paper describes a methodology to obtain a land cover dataset for a selected
Subcarpathian area from Prahova County, Romania. It proposes a combined Remote …
Subcarpathian area from Prahova County, Romania. It proposes a combined Remote …
Land use and land cover change, and analysis of its drivers in Ojoje watershed, Southern Ethiopia
M Mariye, L Jianhua, M Maryo - Heliyon, 2022 - cell.com
There have been incredible changes that have taken place in the land use pattern globally
over the last 50 years, which resulted from environmental degradation and climate change …
over the last 50 years, which resulted from environmental degradation and climate change …