Measuring the relationship between marketing assets, intellectual capital and firm performance
T Pucci, C Simoni, L Zanni - Journal of Management & Governance, 2015 - Springer
Although the literature highlights the contribution of different marketing assets to firm
performance, it is still far from reaching a consolidated and exhaustive position on this topic …
performance, it is still far from reaching a consolidated and exhaustive position on this topic …
Disclosure, transparency, and international financial reporting standards
M Nurunnabi - International Financial Reporting Standards …, 2021 -
The study aims at reviewing a synthesis of disclosure, transparency, and International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) implementation in an attempt to provide directions for …
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) implementation in an attempt to provide directions for …
The expected impact of IFRS adoption on Saudi Arabia based on lessons from other countries: a focus on the telecommunication business
A Alsuhaibani - Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012 - Elsevier
Globalization of the world economies is increasing continuously. As a result, the
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is gaining importance day after day …
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is gaining importance day after day …
Accounting for intangible assets: a systematic review
EA Firmansyah, UH Umar… - International Journal of …, 2024 -
This study conducts a systematic literature review (SLR) of the intangible asset literature,
analysing 61 papers from the Scopus database from 1990 to 2023. The findings reveal a …
analysing 61 papers from the Scopus database from 1990 to 2023. The findings reveal a …
Acquisitions reveal the hidden intellectual capital of pharmaceutical companies
B Boekestein - Journal of intellectual capital, 2009 -
Purpose–This paper aims to assess to what extent intellectual capital is revealed once a
company is acquired. Design/methodology/approach–The research question was …
company is acquired. Design/methodology/approach–The research question was …
[PDF][PDF] Voluntary disclosure of intellectual assets and intellectual liabilities: a literature review
G Majdalany, A Manassian - … of the 4th European Conference on …, 2012 -
The economical shift into knowledge and information management can explain the
increased importance of intellectual capital as a research and business topic. Research on …
increased importance of intellectual capital as a research and business topic. Research on …
Intellectual capital performance and firm value: the effect of MFRS 139
AJR Rabaya, NM Saleh… - The South East Asian …, 2020 -
Abstract Research Aims: We examine the intellectual capital (IC) performance and its
connection with firm value. We also investigate whether the adoption of an enhanced quality …
connection with firm value. We also investigate whether the adoption of an enhanced quality …
A problemática dos intangíveis: análise do sector da aviação civil em Portugal
IT Lopes - 2008 -
O conhecimento emergiu nas últimas décadas, como a nova fonte do valor empresarial,
substituindo alguns dos factores de produção tradicionais. Várias foram as teorias e …
substituindo alguns dos factores de produção tradicionais. Várias foram as teorias e …
The significance of intangibles: A comparative analysis between Croatia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Germany and the USA
M Jerman, S Kavčič, B Kavčič - Economic Research-Ekonomska …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
According to the growing importance of intangible assets, the research aims to investigate
the significance of intangibles for Croatian, Slovenian, Czech, German and US publicly …
the significance of intangibles for Croatian, Slovenian, Czech, German and US publicly …
Intangibles: profili di gestione e di misurazione
E Comuzzi, S Marasca, L Olivotto - 2009 -
Per inquadrare il tema e gli obiettivi di questo libro può essere utile partire dall'analisi delle
motivazioni che ne hanno stimolato la stesura. In questo modo il lettore può apprezzare …
motivazioni che ne hanno stimolato la stesura. In questo modo il lettore può apprezzare …