[PDF][PDF] Feature-Based Machining using Macro

M Razak, A Jusoh, A Zakaria - International Journal of Mathematical …, 2012 - Citeseer
This paper presents an on-going research work on the implementation of feature-based
machining via macro programming. Repetitive machining features such as holes, slots …

Parametric Programming in Feature-Based Machining

MR MA Razak, AJ S Sulaiman, UKLMSI A Zakaria - 2013 - ir.unikl.edu.my
This paper evaluates the feasibility of using parametric programming in the implementation
of feature-based machining. Custom Macro B was used in this study. Macro programming …

[PDF][PDF] Implementation of a knowledge-based manufacturing on the example of Sumar Tools OÜ

K Kruuser, J Riives, P Tšukrejev… - Proceedings of the …, 2019 - academia.edu
Higher productivity of an organization is based on modern manufacturing systems and
digitizing the manufacturing processes. The problem is how to match together technological …

of the estonian academy of sciences

K Kruuser, J Riives, P Tšukrejev, I Kiolein - kirj.ee
Higher productivity of an organization is based on modern manufacturing systems and
digitizing the manufacturing processes. The problem is how to match together technological …

Model upravljanja didaktičkim fleksibilnim ćelijama primenom tehnologije radiofrekventne identifikacije

G Mirkov - Универзитет у Крагујевцу, 2022 - nardus.mpn.gov.rs
Fleksibilni proizvodni sistemi (FMS) kao složena i stohastička okruženja iziskuju dalji razvoj
inovativnih, inteligentnih upravljačkih arhitektura u cilju poboljšanja fleksibilnosti, agilnosti i …

Модел Управљања Дидактичким Флексибилним Ћелијама Применом Технологијe Радиофреквентне Идентификације

ГИ Мирков - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Флексибилни производни системи (FMS) као сложена и стохастичка окружења изискују
даљи развој иновативних, интелигентних управљачких архитектура у циљу …

[CITATION][C] Implementation of a knowledge-based manufacturing on the example of Sumar Tools OÜ; pp. 407–412

K Kruuser, J Riives, P Tšukrejev, I Kiolein

[CITATION][C] Implementation of a knowledge-based manufacturing on the example of Sumar Tools OÜ; pp. 407–412

I Kiolein, K Kruuser, J Riives, P Tšukrejev

[CITATION][C] ISSN 1736-7530 (electronic) ISSN 1736-6046 (print) Formerly: Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, series Physics & Mathematics and …

D Šumigin, E Tarasova, A Krumme, A Viikna