[HTML][HTML] Совершенствование процесса солянокислотной обработки скважин применением новейших технологий и оборудования

МЯ Хабибуллин - Известия Томского политехнического …, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
Актуальность исследования обусловлена необходимостью обеспечивать равномерный
нагрев раствора кислоты при скоростях закачки, создаваемых агрегатами, на …

[HTML][HTML] Sustainable offshore oil and gas fields development: Techno-economic feasibility analysis of wind–hydrogen–natural gas nexus

X Zou, R Qiu, M Yuan, Q Liao, Y Yan, Y Liang, H Zhang - Energy Reports, 2021 - Elsevier
Offshore oil and gas field development consumes quantities of electricity, which is usually
provided by gas turbines. In order to alleviate the emission reduction pressure and the …

An MILP approach for detailed scheduling of multi-product pipeline in pressure control mode

Q Liao, Y Liang, N Xu, H Zhang, J Wang… - … Research and Design, 2018 - Elsevier
Scheduling with hydraulic constraints is one of the crucial aspects to guarantee multi-
product pipeline safety. This paper develops a discrete-time mixed-integer linear …

[PDF][PDF] Метод термокислотного импульсирования для увеличения нефтеотдачи

МЯ Хабибуллин - Нефтегазовое дело, 2020 - scholar.archive.org
Скорость закачки, создаваемая агрегатами, не обеспечивает равномерного нагрева
раствора кислоты при термокислотных образцах. Первая порция раствора …

Sustainable and clean oilfield development: How access to wind power can make offshore platforms more sustainable with production stability

Q Zhang, H Zhang, Y Yan, J Yan, J He, Z Li… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2021 - Elsevier
With the continuous development of offshore wind power and clean oil fields, the
introduction of wind power into the offshore oil and gas field energy system has attracted …

Future scenario of China's downstream oil supply chain: Low carbon-oriented optimization for the design of planned multi-product pipelines

X Zhou, H Zhang, S **n, Y Yan, Y Long, M Yuan… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2020 - Elsevier
With the increasing demand of refined products and growing concern about carbon
emissions, the planned multi-product pipelines, serving as the primary way of refined …

A hybrid time MILP model for the pump scheduling of multi-product pipelines based on the rigorous description of the pipeline hydraulic loss changes

X Zhou, H Zhang, R Qiu, Y Liang, G Wu, C **ang… - Computers & Chemical …, 2019 - Elsevier
As the primary means of transporting refined products, multi-product pipelines play a
significant role in ensuring downstream energy supply. The pump scheduling optimization of …

[PDF][PDF] Совершенствование оборудования и технологии избирательной кислотной обработки скважин

МЯ Хабибуллин - Нефтегазовое дело, 2020 - scholar.archive.org
Этот способ основан на получении следующего эффекта. В выбранном пропластке или
участке пласта при помощи гидропескоструйной перфорации образовывается канал, в …

Energy-consumption calculation and optimization method of integrated system of injection-reservoir-production in high water-cut reservoir

Y Bai, J Hou, Y Liu, D Zhao, S Bing, W **ao, W Zhao - Energy, 2022 - Elsevier
In recent years, the world's crude-oil production has stopped increasing. Many oilfields have
entered the high water-cut stage. Therefore, it is very important to reduce the energy …

Design changes of injection and supply wellhead fittings operating in winter conditions

LS Kuleshova, RR Kadyrov… - IOP Conference …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
The article deals with design changes in the existing injection well fittings. Disadvantages of
the existing fittings are stagnant zones, considerable height and dimensions which cause …