Impact of word embedding models on text analytics in deep learning environment: a review
The selection of word embedding and deep learning models for better outcomes is vital.
Word embeddings are an n-dimensional distributed representation of a text that attempts to …
Word embeddings are an n-dimensional distributed representation of a text that attempts to …
Deep learning-based software engineering: progress, challenges, and opportunities
Researchers have recently achieved significant advances in deep learning techniques,
which in turn has substantially advanced other research disciplines, such as natural …
which in turn has substantially advanced other research disciplines, such as natural …
CrystalBLEU: precisely and efficiently measuring the similarity of code
Recent years have brought a surge of work on predicting pieces of source code, eg, for code
completion, code migration, program repair, or translating natural language into code. All …
completion, code migration, program repair, or translating natural language into code. All …
Where shall we log? studying and suggesting logging locations in code blocks
Developers write logging statements to generate logs and record system execution
behaviors to assist in debugging and software maintenance. However, deciding where to …
behaviors to assist in debugging and software maintenance. However, deciding where to …
Deeplv: Suggesting log levels using ordinal based neural networks
Developers write logging statements to generate logs that provide valuable runtime
information for debugging and maintenance of software systems. Log level is an important …
information for debugging and maintenance of software systems. Log level is an important …
How to better utilize code graphs in semantic code search?
Semantic code search greatly facilitates software reuse, which enables users to find code
snippets highly matching user-specified natural language queries. Due to the rich …
snippets highly matching user-specified natural language queries. Due to the rich …
Predicting entity relations across different security databases by using graph attention network
Security databases such as Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE), Common
Weakness Enumeration (CWE), and Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification …
Weakness Enumeration (CWE), and Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification …
Boosting API recommendation with implicit feedback
Developers often need to use appropriate APIs to program efficiently, but it is usually a
difficult task to identify the exact one they need from a vast list of candidates. To ease the …
difficult task to identify the exact one they need from a vast list of candidates. To ease the …
Retrieving API knowledge from tutorials and stack overflow based on natural language queries
When encountering unfamiliar APIs, developers tend to seek help from API tutorials and
Stack Overflow (SO). API tutorials help developers understand the API knowledge in a …
Stack Overflow (SO). API tutorials help developers understand the API knowledge in a …
Leveraging stack overflow to detect relevant tutorial fragments of apis
Developers often use learning resources such as API tutorials and Stack Overflow (SO) to
learn how to use an unfamiliar API. An API tutorial can be divided into a number of …
learn how to use an unfamiliar API. An API tutorial can be divided into a number of …