An overview of hardware security and trust: Threats, countermeasures, and design tools
Hardware security and trust have become a pressing issue during the last two decades due
to the globalization of the semiconductor supply chain and ubiquitous network connection of …
to the globalization of the semiconductor supply chain and ubiquitous network connection of …
Hardware information flow tracking
Information flow tracking (IFT) is a fundamental computer security technique used to
understand how information moves through a computing system. Hardware IFT techniques …
understand how information moves through a computing system. Hardware IFT techniques …
A survey of microarchitectural timing attacks and countermeasures on contemporary hardware
Microarchitectural timing channels expose hidden hardware states though timing. We survey
recent attacks that exploit microarchitectural features in shared hardware, especially as they …
recent attacks that exploit microarchitectural features in shared hardware, especially as they …
Ryoan: A distributed sandbox for untrusted computation on secret data
Users of modern data-processing services such as tax preparation or genomic screening
are forced to trust them with data that the users wish to keep secret. Ryoan1 protects secret …
are forced to trust them with data that the users wish to keep secret. Ryoan1 protects secret …
Cacheaudit: A tool for the static analysis of cache side channels
We present CacheAudit, a versatile framework for the automatic, static analysis of cache
side channels. CacheAudit takes as input a program binary and a cache configuration and …
side channels. CacheAudit takes as input a program binary and a cache configuration and …
A hardware design language for timing-sensitive information-flow security
Information security can be compromised by leakage via low-level hardware features. One
recently prominent example is cache probing attacks, which rely on timing channels created …
recently prominent example is cache probing attacks, which rely on timing channels created …
Register transfer level information flow tracking for provably secure hardware design
Information Flow Tracking (IFT) provides a formal methodology for modeling and reasoning
about security properties related to integrity, confidentiality, and logical side channel …
about security properties related to integrity, confidentiality, and logical side channel …
Analysis of the communication between colluding applications on modern smartphones
Modern smartphones that implement permission-based security mechanisms suffer from
attacks by colluding applications. Users are not made aware of possible implications of …
attacks by colluding applications. Users are not made aware of possible implications of …
Sapper: A language for hardware-level security policy enforcement
Privacy and integrity are important security concerns. These concerns are addressed by
controlling information flow, ie, restricting how information can flow through a system. Most …
controlling information flow, ie, restricting how information can flow through a system. Most …
SurfNoC: A low latency and provably non-interfering approach to secure networks-on-chip
As multicore processors find increasing adoption in domains such as aerospace and
medical devices where failures have the potential to be catastrophic, strong performance …
medical devices where failures have the potential to be catastrophic, strong performance …