Benefits of a bedtime routine in young children: Sleep, development, and beyond

JA Mindell, AA Williamson - Sleep medicine reviews, 2018 - Elsevier
This paper presents a conceptual model and reviews the empirical evidence to support a
nightly bedtime routine as a key factor in the promotion of not only healthy sleep, but also of …

[PDF][PDF] Programas grupales de parentalidad positiva: una revisión sistemática de la producción científica Group programs of positive parenting: a systematic review of …

FJR Hernández, MPT Miravalles… - Revista de …, 2020 -
El ejercicio de la parentalidad se intuye en la actualidad como una tarea difícil, tanto por la
complejidad que encierra, como por la diversidad de formas familiares y los retos que …

[КНИГА][B] The power of music

S Hallam - 2015 -
Untitled Page 1 Page 2 The Power of Music a research synthesis of the impact of actively
making music on the intellectual, social and personal development of children and young …

[КНИГА][B] Music therapy: An art beyond words

L Bunt, B Stige - 2014 -
Music therapy is recognised as being applicable to a wide range of healthcare and social
contexts. Since the first edition of Music Therapy: An art beyond words, it has extended into …

Associations between early shared music activities in the home and later child outcomes: Findings from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children

KE Williams, MS Barrett, GF Welch, V Abad… - Early Childhood …, 2015 - Elsevier
The benefits of early shared book reading between parents and children have long been
established, yet the same cannot be said for early shared music activities in the home. This …

Family‐centred music therapy to promote social engagement in young children with severe autism spectrum disorder: A randomized controlled study

GA Thompson, KS McFerran… - Child: care, health and …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Background Limited capacity for social engagement is a core feature of autism spectrum
disorder (ASD), often evident early in the child's development. While these skills are difficult …

The agreement between parent-reported and directly measured child language and parenting behaviors

SK Bennetts, FK Mensah, EM Westrupp… - Frontiers in …, 2016 -
Parenting behaviors are commonly targeted in early interventions to improve children's
language development. Accurate measurement of both parenting behaviors and children's …

Intentional music use to reduce psychological distress in adolescents accessing primary mental health care

KS McFerran, C Hense, A Koike… - … child psychology and …, 2018 -
Rationale: Many young people turn to music as a way of exploring and managing their
moods and emotions. The literature is replete with studies that correlate music preferences …

The effectiveness of a short-term group music therapy intervention for parents who have a child with a disability

KE Williams, D Berthelsen, JM Nicholson… - Journal of Music …, 2012 -
Background: The positive relationship between parent-child interactions and optimal child
development is well established. Families of children with disabilities may face unique …

[КНИГА][B] Music therapy and parent-infant bonding

J Edwards - 2011 -
Music therapy is an internationally recognised field of professional evidence-based practice.
Qualified music therapists use the engaging, non-verbal aspects of music to create …