Informality: Causes and consequences for development
G Ulyssea - Annual Review of Economics, 2020 - annualreviews.org
This article reviews the economic literature on informality, its causes, and its consequences
for development. It covers a comprehensive body of research that ranges from well-identified …
for development. It covers a comprehensive body of research that ranges from well-identified …
Trade policy
This chapter reviews a recent body of theoretical and empirical work that studies the
normative and positive aspects of trade policy. We start by presenting reduced-form …
normative and positive aspects of trade policy. We start by presenting reduced-form …
Trade liberalization and regional dynamics
We study the evolution of trade liberalization's effects on Brazilian local labor markets.
Regions facing larger tariff cuts experienced prolonged declines in formal sector …
Regions facing larger tariff cuts experienced prolonged declines in formal sector …
Gender gaps in labor informality: The motherhood effect
We estimate the short-and long-run labor market impacts of parenthood in a develo**
country, Chile, based on an event-study approach around the birth of the first child. We find …
country, Chile, based on an event-study approach around the birth of the first child. We find …
Earnings inequality and the minimum wage: Evidence from Brazil
Increases in the minimum wage can substantially reduce earnings inequality. To
demonstrate this, we combine administrative and survey data with an equilibrium model of …
demonstrate this, we combine administrative and survey data with an equilibrium model of …
The impact of trade on inequality in develo** countries
N Pavcnik - 2017 - nber.org
This paper assesses the current state of evidence on how international trade shapes
inequality and poverty through its influence on earnings and employment opportunities …
inequality and poverty through its influence on earnings and employment opportunities …
Economic shocks and crime: Evidence from the brazilian trade liberalization
This paper studies the effect of changes in economic conditions on crime. We exploit the
1990s trade liberalization in Brazil as a natural experiment generating exogenous shocks to …
1990s trade liberalization in Brazil as a natural experiment generating exogenous shocks to …
Trade and informality in the presence of labor market frictions and regulations
We build an equilibrium model of a small open economy with labor market frictions and
imperfectly enforced regulations. Heterogeneous firms sort into the formal or informal sector …
imperfectly enforced regulations. Heterogeneous firms sort into the formal or informal sector …
[PDF][PDF] Trade, labor market concentration, and wages
M Felix - Job Market Paper, 2021 - bc.edu
I estimate the effect of trade on local labor market concentration and the consequences
thereof to wages using a sufficient statistics approach, employer-employee linked data, and …
thereof to wages using a sufficient statistics approach, employer-employee linked data, and …
The impact of robots in Latin America: Evidence from local labor markets
We study the effect of robots on labor markets in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico, the major
robot users in Latin America, during the period 2004–2016. We exploit spatial and time …
robot users in Latin America, during the period 2004–2016. We exploit spatial and time …