Roles of the cytoskeleton in human diseases
M Li, L Peng, Z Wang, L Liu, M Cao, J Cui, F Wu… - Molecular Biology …, 2023 - Springer
Recently, researches have revealed the key roles of the cytoskeleton in the occurrence and
development of multiple diseases, suggesting that targeting the cytoskeleton is a viable …
development of multiple diseases, suggesting that targeting the cytoskeleton is a viable …
Axonal spheroids in neurodegeneration
Axonal spheroids are bubble-like biological features that form on most degenerating axons,
yet little is known about their influence on degenerative processes. Their formation and …
yet little is known about their influence on degenerative processes. Their formation and …
Ultrastructure of the axonal periodic scaffold reveals a braid-like organization of actin rings
S Vassilopoulos, S Gibaud, A Jimenez, G Caillol… - Nature …, 2019 - nature.com
Recent super-resolution microscopy studies have unveiled a periodic scaffold of actin rings
regularly spaced by spectrins under the plasma membrane of axons. However …
regularly spaced by spectrins under the plasma membrane of axons. However …
Radial contractility of actomyosin rings facilitates axonal trafficking and structural stability
Most mammalian neurons have a narrow axon, which constrains the passage of large
cargoes such as autophagosomes that can be larger than the axon diameter. Radial axonal …
cargoes such as autophagosomes that can be larger than the axon diameter. Radial axonal …
Structural plasticity of actin-spectrin membrane skeleton and functional role of actin and spectrin in axon degeneration
Axon degeneration sculpts neuronal connectivity patterns during development and is an
early hallmark of several adult-onset neurodegenerative disorders. Substantial progress has …
early hallmark of several adult-onset neurodegenerative disorders. Substantial progress has …
Neuronal activity remodels the F-actin based submembrane lattice in dendrites but not axons of hippocampal neurons
The nanoscale organization of the F-actin cytoskeleton in neurons comprises membrane-
associated periodical rings, bundles, and longitudinal fibers. The F-actin rings have been …
associated periodical rings, bundles, and longitudinal fibers. The F-actin rings have been …
The axonal glycolytic pathway contributes to sensory axon extension and growth cone dynamics
A Ketschek, R Sainath, S Holland, G Gallo - Journal of Neuroscience, 2021 - jneurosci.org
Understanding the bioenergetics of axon extension and maintenance has wide ranging
implications for neurodevelopment and disease states. Glycolysis is a pathway consisting of …
implications for neurodevelopment and disease states. Glycolysis is a pathway consisting of …
Proteomic and functional analyses of the periodic membrane skeleton in neurons
Actin, spectrin, and associated molecules form a membrane-associated periodic skeleton
(MPS) in neurons. The molecular composition and functions of the MPS remain incompletely …
(MPS) in neurons. The molecular composition and functions of the MPS remain incompletely …
The core PCP protein Prickle2 regulates axon number and AIS maturation by binding to AnkG and modulating microtubule bundling
Core planar cell polarity (PCP) genes, which are involved in various neurodevelopmental
disorders such as neural tube closure, epilepsy, and autism spectrum disorder, have poorly …
disorders such as neural tube closure, epilepsy, and autism spectrum disorder, have poorly …
The functional architecture of axonal actin
MJ Papandréou, C Leterrier - Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 2018 - Elsevier
The cytoskeleton builds and supports the complex architecture of neurons. It orchestrates
the specification, growth, and compartmentation of the axon: axon initial segment, axonal …
the specification, growth, and compartmentation of the axon: axon initial segment, axonal …