Inorganic scintillating materials and scintillation detectors

T Yanagida - Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B, 2018 -
Scintillation materials and detectors that are used in many applications, such as medical
imaging, security, oil-logging, high energy physics and non-destructive inspection, are …

Flexible nanocomposite scintillator detectors for medical applications: A review

M Hosseinpour, H Abdoos, S Alamdari… - Sensors and Actuators A …, 2024 - Elsevier
Despite over a century of research and progress, scintillation detectors remain a hot topic.
The performance of ionizing radiation detection devices has been significantly enhanced by …

Role of in the Scintillation Mechanism of Codoped

Y Wu, F Meng, Q Li, M Koschan, CL Melcher - Physical review applied, 2014 - APS
To control the time-response performance of widely used cerium-activated scintillators in
cutting-edge medical-imaging devices, such as time-of-flight positron-emission tomography …

Enhancement of scintillation properties of LYSO: Ce crystals by Al codo**

Z Xue, L Chen, S Zhao, F Yang, R An… - Crystal Growth & …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Single-crystal lutetium yttrium oxyorthosilicate doped by cerium (LYSO: Ce) has been widely
adopted as a scintillator material for radiation detection. The demands from nuclear medical …

Great Enhancing Overall Performances of YSO: Ce Scintillation Crystals by Ni Codo**

Z Zhang, S Zhao, Z Xue, J Shi, A Zhang… - Crystal Growth & …, 2024 - ACS Publications
Cerium-doped yttrium oxyorthosilicate (YSO: Ce) scintillation crystals are widely used in
mixed radiation field detection, radioactive isotope monitoring, and other fields due to their …

Structure–Property Correlations in a Ce-Doped (Lu,Gd)2SiO5:Ce Scintillator

O Sidletskiy, A Belsky, A Gektin, S Neicheva… - Crystal growth & …, 2012 - ACS Publications
A full concentration range of Lu2 x Gd2–2xSiO5 (LGSO: Ce) crystals was grown by the
Czochralski method. Dependence of the scintillation properties on composition (x) in the …

SiPM optical crosstalk amplification due to scintillator crystal: effects on timing performance

A Gola, A Ferri, A Tarolli, N Zorzi… - Physics in Medicine & …, 2014 -
For a given photon detection efficiency (PDE), the primary, Poisson distributed, dark count
rate of the detector (DCR 0) is one of the most limiting factors affecting the timing resolution …

Tuning scintillation properties of by Ce and Ca codo**

J Cai, Y Yeung - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
The light-yield enhancement and decay-time shortening by Ca codoped with Lu 2 Si O 5: Ce
have been observed in experiment. However, the underlying mechanisms remain enigmatic …

Efficient and Ultrafast Oxyorthosilicate Scintillator by Activator Valence State Manipulation

C Li, A Zhang, Z Xue, P Qiu, Z Zhang… - … Applied Materials & …, 2024 - ACS Publications
There is an urgent need for faster, brighter, and more controllable scintillation materials in
advanced nuclear medicine, high-energy physical experiments, and dark matter particle …

Influence of yttrium content on the location of rare earth ions in LYSO: Ce crystals

D Ding, L Weng, J Yang, G Ren, Y Wu - Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2014 - Elsevier
Single-crystal X-ray diffraction (SCD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), inductively coupled plasma
optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and X-ray excited luminescence (XEL) …