[HTML][HTML] Knowledge representation and information extraction for analysing architectural patterns
Today, many software architecture design methods consider the use of architectural patterns
as a fundamental design concept. When making an effective pattern selection, software …
as a fundamental design concept. When making an effective pattern selection, software …
[PDF][PDF] A Philosophical Investigation of Catchwords in Chinese.
Q Huang - Forum for Linguistic Studies, 2019 - researchgate.net
Catchwords spread rapidly because of their simple form and strong replicability. New
catchwords enter our daily life every once in a while. Therefore, the study of catchwords is …
catchwords enter our daily life every once in a while. Therefore, the study of catchwords is …
Attribute Value Acquisition through Clustering of Adjectives
In the paper we analyse Polish descriptive adjectives which occur in domain related texts.
The experiments were done on data obtained from hospital discharge records. Prenominal …
The experiments were done on data obtained from hospital discharge records. Prenominal …
Adjectives: Constructions vs. Valence
A Kupść - Aspects of Natural Language Processing: Essays …, 2009 - Springer
The paper approaches adjectives in French and Polish from two perspectives: a linguistic
description and an automatic text analysis. In particular, we aim at specifying adjective …
description and an automatic text analysis. In particular, we aim at specifying adjective …
A Reference Grammar of Aheli: A dialect of the Lari language, Iran
M Ourang - 2020 - search.proquest.com
The present work is the first reference grammar of Aheli, a dialect of the Lari language. Lari
is an endangered language belonging to the South-Western group of Iranian languages …
is an endangered language belonging to the South-Western group of Iranian languages …
[PDF][PDF] Metaphorical Adjectives Describing Human in Javanese
This study examines metaphorical adjectives describing humans in Javanese. The
metaphorical adjective is literally used to describe nouns other than humans but figuratively …
metaphorical adjective is literally used to describe nouns other than humans but figuratively …
Strukturalne i semantyczne uwarunkowania walencji przymiotników (na materiale polskim)
The main objective of this article is to indicate formal or semantic features that cause
adjectives to be at least bivalent structures, ie structures that, apart from positions denoting …
adjectives to be at least bivalent structures, ie structures that, apart from positions denoting …