Genetic diversity and matrilineal genetic origin of fat-rumped sheep in Ethiopia
Ethiopia is home to a diverse gene pool of indigenous sheep populations. Therefore, a
better understanding of genetic variation holds the key to future utilization through …
better understanding of genetic variation holds the key to future utilization through …
Hemoglobin polymorphism and its association with morphometric and egg production traits in Ethiopian indigenous and Sasso chicken breeds
C Chebo, A Melesse, S Betsha - Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2024 - Springer
The present study investigated the biochemical polymorphism of hemoglobin (Hb) and its
relationship with performance traits of Ethiopian indigenous and Sasso chicken breeds. A …
relationship with performance traits of Ethiopian indigenous and Sasso chicken breeds. A …
Genome-wide association study and genomic heritabilities for blood protein levels in Lori-Bakhtiari sheep
Serum protein levels are related to physiological and pathological status of animals and
could be affected by both genetic and environmental factors. This study aimed to evaluate …
could be affected by both genetic and environmental factors. This study aimed to evaluate …
Genetic diversity of Ongole Grade cattle of Rembang District, Central Java, Indonesia, based on blood protein polymorphism
S Sutiyono, S Sutopo, YS Ondho, S SETIATIN… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2018 - smujo.id
Abstract Sutiyono, Sutopo, Ondho YS, Setiatin ET, Samsudewa D, Suryawijaya A, Lestari
DA, Kurnianto E. 2018. Genetic diversity of Ongole Grade Cattle of Rembang District …
DA, Kurnianto E. 2018. Genetic diversity of Ongole Grade Cattle of Rembang District …
Genetic diversity and phylogenetic study of Ongole Grade cattle population in Central Java based on blood protein polymorphism
Lestari DA, Sutopo, Setiaji A, Kurnianto E. 2023. Genetic diversity and phylogenetic study of
Ongole Grade cattle population in Central Java based on blood protein polymorphism …
Ongole Grade cattle population in Central Java based on blood protein polymorphism …
Production System and Breeding Practices of Indigenous Sheep Populations in Qellam Wallaga Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia
K Ayana, A Mekonnen, D Diba… - Journal of Science …, 2024 - journals.wgu.edu.et
The study was conducted to characterize the sheep production system and breeding
practices. Semi-structured questionnaire, secondary data, and focus group discussions were …
practices. Semi-structured questionnaire, secondary data, and focus group discussions were …
[PDF][PDF] Turnitin: Genetic diversity and phylogenetic study of Ongole Grade cattle population in Central Java based on blood protein polymorphism
DA Lestari - doc-pak.undip.ac.id
Lestari DA, Sutopo, Setiaji A, Kurnianto E. 2023. Genetic diversity and phylogenetic study of
Ongole Grade cattle population in Central Java based on blood protein polymorphism …
Ongole Grade cattle population in Central Java based on blood protein polymorphism …
Genetic Relationship between Indigenous Cattle of Nigeria
SM Anuoluwapo… - Journal of Biotechnology …, 2023 - africanscholarpub.com
This study was undertaken to asess the genetic relationship of selected breeds of cattle
(Sokoto Gudali Red Bororo and White Fulani) using Transferrin, Carbonic anhydrase and …
(Sokoto Gudali Red Bororo and White Fulani) using Transferrin, Carbonic anhydrase and …
[PDF][PDF] Sarah Osama, Morris Agaba, Yoseph Mekasha, Kefelegn Kebede, Solomon Abegaz & Sanjoy Kumar Pal
H Nigussie, JM Mwacharo - sanjoypal.com
Ethiopia is home to a diverse gene pool of indigenous sheep populations. Therefore, a
better understanding of genetic variation holds the key to future utilization through …
better understanding of genetic variation holds the key to future utilization through …
[PDF][PDF] Journal Homepage:-www. journalijar. com
SJ Kiptoo, C Mutai, M Kipmerewo - academia.edu
Background: Globally male involvement on maternal health services remains a challenge to
effective health care. Maternal deaths arise from pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal …
effective health care. Maternal deaths arise from pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal …