Context-sensitive computational mechanistic explanation in cognitive neuroscience
Mainstream cognitive neuroscience aims to build mechanistic explanations of behavior by
map** abilities described at the organismal level via the subpersonal level of computation …
map** abilities described at the organismal level via the subpersonal level of computation …
Evolving concepts of functional localization
JB McCaffrey - Philosophy Compass, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Functional localization is a central aim of cognitive neuroscience. But the nature and extent
of functional localization in the human brain have been subjects of fierce theoretical debate …
of functional localization in the human brain have been subjects of fierce theoretical debate …
[KNIHA][B] Combining minds: How to think about composite subjectivity
L Roelofs - 2019 -
Combining Minds is about the idea of minds built up out of other minds, whether this is
possible, and what it would mean if it were. Roelofs surveys many areas of philosophy and …
possible, and what it would mean if it were. Roelofs surveys many areas of philosophy and …
14 Neuroscience and Cognitive Ontology: A Case for Pluralism
J McCaffrey, J Wright - Neuroscience and philosophy, 2022 -
Develo** taxonomies—systems for classifying phenomena or objects of study—is an
important scientific activity. By categorizing and classifying phenomena, scientists can more …
important scientific activity. By categorizing and classifying phenomena, scientists can more …
[KNIHA][B] Linguistica educativa, linguistica cognitiva e bisogni specifici: intersezioni
M Daloiso - 2023 -
L'autore propone un modello di educazione linguistica ispirato alle più recenti scoperte nel
campo della Linguistica Cognitiva, discutendone anche la potenziale efficacia con …
campo della Linguistica Cognitiva, discutendone anche la potenziale efficacia con …
Getting over atomism: Functional decomposition in complex neural systems
DC Burnston - The British journal for the philosophy of …, 2021 -
Functional decomposition is an important goal in the life sciences, and is central to
mechanistic explanation and explanatory reduction. A growing literature in philosophy of …
mechanistic explanation and explanatory reduction. A growing literature in philosophy of …
Beyond the Platonic Brain: facing the challenge of individual differences in function-structure map**
M Viola - Synthese, 2021 - Springer
In their attempt to connect the workings of the human mind with their neural realizers,
cognitive neuroscientists often bracket out individual differences to build a single, abstract …
cognitive neuroscientists often bracket out individual differences to build a single, abstract …
Carving mind at brain's joints. The debate on cognitive ontology
M Viola - Phenomenology and Mind, 2017 -
Since neuroimaging methods allow researchers to study the human brain at work, the vexed
mind-brain problem ceased to be just a metaphysical issue, and became a practical concern …
mind-brain problem ceased to be just a metaphysical issue, and became a practical concern …
Introduction to the topical collection 'locating representations in the brain: interdisciplinary perspectives'
Synthese brain science, a construct that for many is foundational to cognitive neuroscience.
Many of the speakers at this conference turned their papers into contributions for this topical …
Many of the speakers at this conference turned their papers into contributions for this topical …
[KNIHA][B] La mente nel cervello: Introduzione all'ontologia cognitiva
M Viola - 2023 -
Quante volte ci siamo imbattuti in dichiarazioni quali" l'emisfero cerebrale sinistro è quello
logico, quello destro è quello creativo", o in sensazionalistici titoli di giornali sulla scoperta …
logico, quello destro è quello creativo", o in sensazionalistici titoli di giornali sulla scoperta …