Raman techniques: fundamentals and frontiers
Driven by applications in chemical sensing, biological imaging and material
characterisation, Raman spectroscopies are attracting growing interest from a variety of …
characterisation, Raman spectroscopies are attracting growing interest from a variety of …
[HTML][HTML] Roadmap on Atomtronics: State of the art and perspective
Atomtronics deals with matter-wave circuits of ultracold atoms manipulated through
magnetic or laser-generated guides with different shapes and intensities. In this way, new …
magnetic or laser-generated guides with different shapes and intensities. In this way, new …
Roadmap on structured light
Structured light refers to the generation and application of custom light fields. As the tools
and technology to create and detect structured light have evolved, steadily the applications …
and technology to create and detect structured light have evolved, steadily the applications …
Transfer of optical orbital angular momentum to a bound electron
CT Schmiegelow, J Schulz, H Kaufmann… - Nature …, 2016 - nature.com
Photons can carry angular momentum, not only due to their spin, but also due to their spatial
structure. This extra twist has been used, for example, to drive circular motion of microscopic …
structure. This extra twist has been used, for example, to drive circular motion of microscopic …
Theory and applications of free-electron vortex states
Both classical and quantum waves can form vortices: entities with helical phase fronts and
circulating current densities. These features determine the intrinsic orbital angular …
circulating current densities. These features determine the intrinsic orbital angular …
Colloquium: Artificial gauge potentials for neutral atoms
When a neutral atom moves in a properly designed laser field, its center-of-mass motion
may mimic the dynamics of a charged particle in a magnetic field, with the emergence of a …
may mimic the dynamics of a charged particle in a magnetic field, with the emergence of a …
Orbital angular momentum: origins, behavior and applications
As they travel through space, some light beams rotate. Such light beams have angular
momentum. There are two particularly important ways in which a light beam can rotate: if …
momentum. There are two particularly important ways in which a light beam can rotate: if …
Nonlinear helical dichroism in chiral and achiral molecules
Chiral interactions are prevalent in nature, driving a variety of biochemical processes.
Discerning the two non-superimposable mirror images of a chiral molecule, known as …
Discerning the two non-superimposable mirror images of a chiral molecule, known as …
Electron vortices: Beams with orbital angular momentum
The recent prediction and subsequent creation of electron vortex beams in a number of
laboratories occurred after almost 20 years had elapsed since the recognition of the physical …
laboratories occurred after almost 20 years had elapsed since the recognition of the physical …
Synthetic magnetic fields for ultracold neutral atoms
Neutral atomic Bose condensates and degenerate Fermi gases have been used to realize
important many-body phenomena in their most simple and essential forms,,, without many of …
important many-body phenomena in their most simple and essential forms,,, without many of …