Contextual part analogies in 3D objects

L Shapira, S Shalom, A Shamir, D Cohen-Or… - International Journal of …, 2010 - Springer
In this paper we address the problem of finding analogies between parts of 3D objects. By
partitioning an object into meaningful parts and finding analogous parts in other objects, not …

Characterization of 3D shape parts for semantic annotation

M Attene, F Robbiano, M Spagnuolo… - Computer-Aided Design, 2009 - Elsevier
3D content stored in big databases or shared on the Internet is a precious resource for
several applications, but unfortunately it risks being underexploited due to the difficulty of …

Prior knowledge for part correspondence

O Van Kaick, A Tagliasacchi, O Sidi… - Computer Graphics …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Classical approaches to shape correspondence base their computation purely on the
properties, in particular geometric similarity, of the shapes in question. Their performance …

Semantic annotation of 3D surface meshes based on feature characterization

M Attene, F Robbiano, M Spagnuolo… - … Conference on Semantic …, 2007 - Springer
In this paper we describe the main aspects of a system to perform non-trivial segmentations
of 3D surface meshes and to annotate the detected parts through concepts expressed by an …

Thesaurus-based 3D object retrieval with part-in-whole matching

A Ferreira, S Marini, M Attene, MJ Fonseca… - International Journal of …, 2010 - Springer
Research in content-based 3D retrieval has already started, and several approaches have
been proposed which use in different manner a similarity assessment to match the shape of …

The potential of 3D internet in the cultural heritage domain

P Santos, SP Serna, A Stork, D Fellner - … in cultural heritage: a roadmap in …, 2014 - Springer
Europe is rich in cultural heritage but unfortunately much of the tens of millions of artifacts
remain in archives. Many of these resources have been collected to preserve our history and …

[PDF][PDF] Interactive Semantic Enrichment of 3D Cultural Heritage Collections.

SP Serna, H Schmedt, M Ritz, A Stork - VAST, 2012 -
Abstract Virtual Surrogates of Cultural Heritage (CH) objects are seriously being considered
in professional activities such as conservation and preservation, exhibition planning …

[PDF][PDF] Part Analogies in Sets of Objects.

S Shalom, L Shapira, A Shamir, D Cohen-Or - 3DOR@ Eurographics, 2008 -
Shape retrieval can benefit from analogies among similar shapes and parts of different
objects. By partitioning an object to meaningful parts and finding analogous parts in other …

Haptic and sound interface for shape rendering

M Bordegoni, F Ferrise, M Covarrubias… - Presence: Teleoperators …, 2010 -
This paper presents a system for the evaluation of the shape of aesthetic products. The
evaluation of shapes is based on characteristic curves, which is a typical practice in the …

[PDF][PDF] 三维模型语义检索研究进展

潘翔, 张三元, 叶修梓 - 计算机学报, 2009 -
摘要针对**年来三维模型检索研究不只是考虑形状相似性匹配, 而更多地关注如何把语义知识
应用于检索这一研究新动态, 对三维模型语义检索研究现状, 包括三维模型知识提取 …