[HTML][HTML] The Cycladic Blueschist Unit of the Hellenic subduction orogen: Protracted high-pressure metamorphism, decompression and reimbrication of a diachronous …
We discuss the assembly and tectonochronology of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (CBU) in
the central Aegean Sea region, Greece, as a composite, subduction-related, high-pressure …
the central Aegean Sea region, Greece, as a composite, subduction-related, high-pressure …
[HTML][HTML] Extensional crustal tectonics and crust-mantle coupling, a view from the geological record
We present here a number of geological observations in extensional contexts, either
continental rifts or back-arcs, that show different situations of potential coupling between …
continental rifts or back-arcs, that show different situations of potential coupling between …
Modeling metamorphic rocks using equilibrium thermodynamics and internally consistent databases: Past achievements, problems and perspectives
The astonishing progress of personal computer technology in the past 30 years as well as
the availability of thermodynamic data and modeling programs have revolutionized our …
the availability of thermodynamic data and modeling programs have revolutionized our …
Transient permeability of a deep‐seated subduction interface shear zone
Slow slip and tremor is observed along many subduction margins and is commonly linked to
fluid pressure variations and migration. Accurate estimates of porosity and permeability …
fluid pressure variations and migration. Accurate estimates of porosity and permeability …
[HTML][HTML] Rapid, paced metamorphism of blueschists (Syros, Greece) from laser-based zoned Lu-Hf garnet chronology and LA-ICPMS trace element map**
Unravelling the timing and rate of subduction-zone metamorphism and H 2 O release
requires linking time to the compositional changes of petrogenetic indicator minerals in …
requires linking time to the compositional changes of petrogenetic indicator minerals in …
[HTML][HTML] Length scales and types of heterogeneities along the deep subduction interface: Insights from exhumed rocks on Syros Island, Greece
We use structural and microstructural observations from exhumed subduction-related rocks
exposed on Syros Island (Cyclades, Greece) to provide constraints on the length scales and …
exposed on Syros Island (Cyclades, Greece) to provide constraints on the length scales and …
Dating metamorphic processes and identifying 87Sr/86Sr inheritance using volume-coupled Rb/Sr geochronology and geochemistry of in situ white mica: A …
High-pressure/low-temperature rocks from two well-studied outcrops of the Cycladic
Blueschist Unit on Syros are used to demonstrate the advantages of volume-coupled 87 …
Blueschist Unit on Syros are used to demonstrate the advantages of volume-coupled 87 …
H2O-rich rutile as an indicator for modern-style cold subduction
The trace-element and isotope geochemistry of rutile are robust tools to determine
metamorphic temperatures, age, and host-/source lithologies. The use of rutile as single …
metamorphic temperatures, age, and host-/source lithologies. The use of rutile as single …
Tectonic development of western Anatolian extensional province
Western Anatolia is one of the fastest-extending continental regions. The approximately NS
extension, in three phases, generated grabens of various ages and trends. The first phase …
extension, in three phases, generated grabens of various ages and trends. The first phase …
[HTML][HTML] Consistent detachment of supracrustal rocks from a fixed subduction depth in the Cyclades
While subduction zones recycle Earth's crust back into the mantle, high pressure
metamorphic rocks exposed at the surface testify to occasional crustal subduction failure …
metamorphic rocks exposed at the surface testify to occasional crustal subduction failure …