Architectural design in collective robotic construction

S Leder, A Menges - Automation in Construction, 2023 - Elsevier
Building construction is one application of multiple robot systems (MRS) that is seeing a rise
in research and is known as collective robotic construction (CRC). CRC specifically …

A conflict-based search framework for multiobjective multiagent path finding

Z Ren, S Rathinam, H Choset - IEEE Transactions on …, 2022 -
Conventional multi-agent path planners typically compute an ensemble of paths while
optimizing a single objective, such as path length. However, many applications may require …

The multi-agent transportation problem

P Bachor, RD Bergdoll, B Nebel - … of the AAAI Conference on Artificial …, 2023 -
We introduce the multi-agent transportation (MAT) problem, where agents have to transport
containers from their starting positions to their designated goal positions. Movement takes …

A framework for generating informative benchmark instances

N Dang, Ö Akgün, J Espasa, I Miguel… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2022 -
Benchmarking is an important tool for assessing the relative performance of alternative
solving approaches. However, the utility of benchmarking is limited by the quantity and …

Multi-agent collective construction using 3d decomposition

AK Srinivasan, S Singh, G Gutow… - 2023 IEEE/RSJ …, 2023 -
Consider a Multi-Agent Collective Construction (MACC) problem that aims to generate a
plan for fictitious cubic robots to build a three-dimensional structure comprised of cubic …

Multi-objective conflict-based search using safe-interval path planning

Z Ren, S Rathinam, M Likhachev, H Choset - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2021 -
This paper addresses a generalization of the well known multi-agent path finding (MAPF)
problem that optimizes multiple conflicting objectives simultaneously such as travel time and …

Hierarchical Planning for Long-Horizon Multi-Agent Collective Construction

S Singh, Z Huang, AK Srinivasan… - … on Robotics and …, 2024 -
We develop a planner that directs robots to construct a 3D target structure composed of
blocks. The robots themselves are cubes of the same size as the blocks, and they may …

Action Duration Generalization for Exact Multi-Agent Collective Construction

M Rameš, P Surynek - arxiv preprint arxiv:2312.13485, 2023 -
This paper addresses exact approaches to multi-agent collective construction problem
which tasks a group of cooperative agents to build a given structure in a blocksworld under …

Reaching New Heights in Multi-Agent Collective Construction

M Rameš, P Surynek - arxiv preprint arxiv:2408.13615, 2024 -
We propose a new approach for multi-agent collective construction, based on the idea of
reversible ramps. Our ReRamp algorithm utilizes reversible side-ramps to generate …

A modular synthesis approach for the coordination of multi-agent systems: the multiple team case

M Rosa, JER Cury, FL Baldissera - Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 2024 - Springer
In this paper, we deal with the problem of coordinating multiple agents to accomplish a
global task. This problem consists of a set of agents divided into teams of homogeneous …