Cultural intelligence: A review and new research avenues
Cultural intelligence (CQ), an individual's capability to function and manage effectively in
culturally diverse situations and settings, has become the focus of a vibrant scholarly …
culturally diverse situations and settings, has become the focus of a vibrant scholarly …
Leading diversity: Towards a theory of functional leadership in diverse teams.
The importance of leaders as diversity managers is widely acknowledged. However, a
dynamic and comprehensive theory on the interplay between team diversity and team …
dynamic and comprehensive theory on the interplay between team diversity and team …
Intercultural competence
We review recent theoretical and empirical developments in the intercultural competencies
literature, highlighting contemporary models and empirical research in organizational …
literature, highlighting contemporary models and empirical research in organizational …
The relationship between cultural values, cultural intelligence and negotiation styles
Working environments become increasingly culturally diverse and managers, employees
and people at large are often required to engage in cross-cultural negotiations. In this …
and people at large are often required to engage in cross-cultural negotiations. In this …
Motivational configurations of cultural intelligence, social integration, and performance in global virtual teams
Global virtual teams (GVTs), electronically connected workgroups of geographically
dispersed team members in multinational settings, may suffer from less social integration …
dispersed team members in multinational settings, may suffer from less social integration …
Hype or hope? A new look at the research on cultural intelligence
Cultural intelligence (CQ), the capability by which expatriates, managers, and others
involved in cross-cultural interactions function effectively in a globalized world, was …
involved in cross-cultural interactions function effectively in a globalized world, was …
Multiculturalism and innovative work behavior: The mediating role of cultural intelligence
H Korzilius, JJLE Bücker, S Beerlage - International Journal of Intercultural …, 2017 - Elsevier
Innovative work behavior is a key organizational competence. Informed by a framework for
describing the role of cultural competences as an antecedent for international business …
describing the role of cultural competences as an antecedent for international business …
[CARTE][B] Group dynamics for teams
D Levi, DA Askay - 2020 - books.google.com
Grounded in psychology research but with a practical focus on organizational behavior
issues, Group Dynamics for Teams helps readers understand and participate in teams more …
issues, Group Dynamics for Teams helps readers understand and participate in teams more …
Cultural intelligence
KT Wang, M Goh - The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Cultural Intelligence is defined as “an individual's capacity to function and manage
effectively in culturally diverse settings”(Ang et al., 2007). CQ is conceptualized into four …
effectively in culturally diverse settings”(Ang et al., 2007). CQ is conceptualized into four …
Expatriates managers' cultural intelligence as promoter of knowledge transfer in multinational companies
This study analyzes the role of the Cultural Intelligence (CQ) of expatriate managers in the
processes of Conventional (CKT) and Reverse Knowledge Transfer (RKT) in Multinational …
processes of Conventional (CKT) and Reverse Knowledge Transfer (RKT) in Multinational …