Synthesis of LTL formulas from natural language texts: State of the art and research directions
Linear temporal logic (LTL) is commonly used in model checking tasks; moreover, it is well-
suited for the formalization of technical requirements. However, the correct specification and …
suited for the formalization of technical requirements. However, the correct specification and …
Back to the future: Towards explainable temporal reasoning with large language models
Temporal reasoning is a crucial natural language processing (NLP) task, providing a
nuanced understanding of time-sensitive contexts within textual data. Although recent …
nuanced understanding of time-sensitive contexts within textual data. Although recent …
XTime: a general rule-based method for time expression recognition and normalization
Time expression (aka, timex) recognition and normalization (TERN) is a crucial task for
downstream research. However, previous studies have overlooked the critical …
downstream research. However, previous studies have overlooked the critical …
Convolution–deconvolution word embedding: An end-to-end multi-prototype fusion embedding method for natural language processing
Existing unsupervised word embedding methods have been proved to be effective to
capture latent semantic information on various tasks of Natural Language Processing (NLP) …
capture latent semantic information on various tasks of Natural Language Processing (NLP) …
Adversarial alignment of multilingual models for extracting temporal expressions from text
Although temporal tagging is still dominated by rule-based systems, there have been recent
attempts at neural temporal taggers. However, all of them focus on monolingual settings. In …
attempts at neural temporal taggers. However, all of them focus on monolingual settings. In …
Time expression recognition and normalization: a survey
Time information plays an important role in the areas of data mining, information retrieval,
and natural language processing. Among the linguistic tasks related to time expressions …
and natural language processing. Among the linguistic tasks related to time expressions …
Time event ontology (TEO): to support semantic representation and reasoning of complex temporal relations of clinical events
Objective The goal of this study is to develop a robust Time Event Ontology (TEO), which can
formally represent and reason both structured and unstructured temporal information …
formally represent and reason both structured and unstructured temporal information …
Utsa-nlp at chemotimelines 2024: Evaluating instruction-tuned language models for temporal relation extraction
This paper presents our approach for the 2024 ChemoTimelines shared task. Specifically,
we explored using Large Language Models (LLMs) for temporal relation extraction. We …
we explored using Large Language Models (LLMs) for temporal relation extraction. We …
A meta-framework for spatiotemporal quantity extraction from text
News events are often associated with quantities (eg, the number of COVID-19 patients or
the number of arrests in a protest), and it is often important to extract their type, time, and …
the number of arrests in a protest), and it is often important to extract their type, time, and …
Bert got a date: Introducing transformers to temporal tagging
Temporal expressions in text play a significant role in language understanding and correctly
identifying them is fundamental to various retrieval and natural language processing …
identifying them is fundamental to various retrieval and natural language processing …