Nanotechnology in cosmetics and cosmeceuticals—a review of latest advancements
Nanotechnology has the potential to generate advancements and innovations in
formulations and delivery systems. This fast-develo** technology has been widely …
formulations and delivery systems. This fast-develo** technology has been widely …
[HTML][HTML] The emerging role of nanotechnology in skincare
The role of cosmetic products is rapidly evolving in our society, with their use increasingly
seen as an essential contribution to personal wellness. This suggests the necessity of a …
seen as an essential contribution to personal wellness. This suggests the necessity of a …
Advanced nanocarrier-and microneedle-based transdermal drug delivery strategies for skin diseases treatment
F Qu, R Geng, Y Liu, J Zhu - Theranostics, 2022 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Skin diseases are the fourth leading cause of nonfatal and chronic skin diseases, acting as a
global burden and affecting the world economy. Skin diseases severely impact the patients' …
global burden and affecting the world economy. Skin diseases severely impact the patients' …
Nanoparticles for topical application in the treatment of skin dysfunctions—an overview of dermo-cosmetic and dermatological products
M Raszewska-Famielec, J Flieger - International Journal of Molecular …, 2022 - mdpi.com
Nanomaterials (NM) arouse interest in various fields of science and industry due to their
composition-tunable properties and the ease of modification. They appear currently as …
composition-tunable properties and the ease of modification. They appear currently as …
[HTML][HTML] New insights into quercetin nanoformulations for topical delivery
Background Quercetin is one of the most critical endogenous anti-oxidants used widely in
cosmetics, nutraceuticals, and pharmaceuticals products for skincare and therapeutics due …
cosmetics, nutraceuticals, and pharmaceuticals products for skincare and therapeutics due …
Smart pH-responsive magnetic graphene quantum dots nanocarriers for anticancer drug delivery of curcumin
In this study, we designed a targeted multifunctional anticancer drug carrier based on
magnetic to improve the efficiency of curcumin (Cur) as a non-toxic and hydrophobic …
magnetic to improve the efficiency of curcumin (Cur) as a non-toxic and hydrophobic …
Advances and future perspectives in epithelial drug delivery
Epithelial surfaces protect exposed tissues in the body against intrusion of foreign materials,
including xenobiotics, pollen and microbiota. The relative permeability of the various …
including xenobiotics, pollen and microbiota. The relative permeability of the various …
Advances in the application of immobilized enzyme for the remediation of hazardous pollutant: A review
Abstract Nowadays, ecofriendly, low-cost, and sustainable alternatives techniques have
been focused on the effective removal of hazardous pollutants from the water streams. In this …
been focused on the effective removal of hazardous pollutants from the water streams. In this …
Liposomal amphotericin B for treatment of leishmaniasis: from the identification of critical physicochemical attributes to the design of effective topical and oral …
The liposomal amphotericin B (AmB) formulation, AmBisome®, still represents the best
therapeutic option for cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis. However, its clinical efficacy …
therapeutic option for cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis. However, its clinical efficacy …
Ethosomes as dermal/transdermal drug delivery systems: applications, preparation and characterization
Transdermal drug delivery systems (TDDSs) have gained substantial attention during the
last decade. TDDS are versatile delivery systems in which active components are delivered …
last decade. TDDS are versatile delivery systems in which active components are delivered …