Pandemic emotions: The extent, correlates, and mental health consequences of fear of COVID-19
COVID-19 has had unprecedented effects on populations around the world. Given the
political context of the pandemic and the nation's response to it, this study sought to assess …
political context of the pandemic and the nation's response to it, this study sought to assess …
Criminal justice interventions for preventing radicalisation, violent extremism and terrorism: An evidence and gap map
Background Criminal justice agencies are well positioned to help prevent the radicalisation
of individuals and groups, stop those radicalised from engaging in violence, and reduce the …
of individuals and groups, stop those radicalised from engaging in violence, and reduce the …
Advantages of matched over unmatched opt-in samples for studying criminal justice attitudes: A research note
Despite the growing popularity of online opt-in samples in criminology, recent work shows
that resultant findings often do not generalize. Not all opt-in samples are alike, however, and …
that resultant findings often do not generalize. Not all opt-in samples are alike, however, and …
Cyber scares and prophylactic policies: Crossnational evidence on the effect of cyberattacks on public support for surveillance
While conventional terrorism has long been associated with enhanced support for
surveillance, scholars have not determined whether variation in the type and outcome of …
surveillance, scholars have not determined whether variation in the type and outcome of …
“Bad hombres” at the Southern US border? White nationalism and the perceived dangerousness of immigrants
As a candidate and as president, Donald Trump heightened the salience of immigration,
portraying those crossing the nation's Southern border as “bad hombres” and advocating …
portraying those crossing the nation's Southern border as “bad hombres” and advocating …
Mental health and the ballot box: A correlational analysis of Google searches for mental health and national election periods in the United States and the United …
Background: In electoral contexts, mental health topics have recently attracted sociopolitical
relevance, influenced by policy developments, election-related psychopathology and …
relevance, influenced by policy developments, election-related psychopathology and …
PROTOCOL: Criminal justice interventions for preventing terrorism and radicalisation: An evidence and gap map
This is the protocol for a Campbell systematic review. The objectives are as follows: to
identify the existing evidence that considers the effectiveness of criminal justice interventions …
identify the existing evidence that considers the effectiveness of criminal justice interventions …
Safe haven or dangerous place? Stereotype amplification and Americans' perceived risk of terrorism, violent street crime, and mass shootings
People overestimate the risk of some events, such as terrorist attacks and immigrant crimes,
but not of others. Stereotype amplification theory indicates that politicized, out-group …
but not of others. Stereotype amplification theory indicates that politicized, out-group …
When do Americans “see something, say something”? Experimental evidence on the willingness to report terrorist activity
Public reporting programs such as the “See Something, Say Something” campaign are
important counterterrorism measures. Yet public knowledge about terrorism is low, and …
important counterterrorism measures. Yet public knowledge about terrorism is low, and …
Is Cross-Group Friendship Related to Less Perceived Criminal Threat of Immigrants and Less Negative Attitudes Toward Immigrants to the United States?
L Shi - International Criminal Justice Review, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
In recent years, the US public has become increasingly concerned about the immigration
issue. Criminological research and group threat theory suggest that harsh immigration policy …
issue. Criminological research and group threat theory suggest that harsh immigration policy …