Women's agency and resistance in Russia's war on Ukraine: From victim of the war to prominent force

SD Phillips, T Martsenyuk - Women's studies international forum, 2023 - Elsevier
This article examines the multitudinous forms of resistance exercised by Ukrainian women
during the current phase of Russia's war against Ukraine. We explicate the gains women …

[PDF][PDF] Women and gender equality in the Ukrainian Armed Forces

T Martsenyuk - Dispossession, 2023 - library.oapen.org
LGBT people, are contributing to victory by participating in different forms of resistance,
expectations are growing for more inclusivity and more possibilities to fight for gender-based …

[PDF][PDF] (De-) Gendering Ukraine: Understanding social change in a post-Soviet society

T Martsenyuk - 2023 - ekmair.ukma.edu.ua
(De-)Gendering Ukraine: Understanding social change in a post-Soviet society Page 1
IDENTITÄT UND INTERDISZIPLINARITÄT 425 (De-)Gendering Ukraine: Understanding social …

[PDF][PDF] Women's Participation in Defending Ukraine in Russia's War [electronic resourse]

T Martsenyuk - 2022 - ekmair.ukma.edu.ua
The Euromaidan protests in 2013–2014 inspired women in Ukraine to fight more actively for
their rights, especially in the military sphere. An analysis of women's participation in the …

Symposion: Soziologische Perspektiven zu Osteuropa, Teil 2

SM Büttner, K Schlichte… - Soziologie-Forum …, 2023 - publikationen.soziologie.de
Abstract Im zweiten Teil des Symposions zu Perspektiven für die soziologische
Theorieentwicklung und empirische Forschung über Osteuropa problematisieren Sebastian …

[CITATION][C] Women's Participation in Defending Ukraine in Russia's war

T Martsenyuk - Quarterly Magazine of the Center for Global …, 2022