Mammalian empathy: behavioural manifestations and neural basis
Recent research on empathy in humans and other mammals seeks to dissociate emotional
and cognitive empathy. These forms, however, remain interconnected in evolution, across …
and cognitive empathy. These forms, however, remain interconnected in evolution, across …
Interpersonal emotion regulation as a mechanism of social support in depression
Although social support is widely considered to be protective against depression, the
mechanisms through which it acts on depressive psychopathology are not well known. This …
mechanisms through which it acts on depressive psychopathology are not well known. This …
COVID-19 anti-Asian racism: A tripartite model of collective psychosocial resilience.
Anti-Asian racism has spiked since the outbreak of the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)
pandemic, creating compounded threats to Asian Americans' psychological wellbeing on top …
pandemic, creating compounded threats to Asian Americans' psychological wellbeing on top …
How empathic concern fuels political polarization
Over the past two decades, there has been a marked increase in partisan social
polarization, leaving scholars in search of solutions to partisan conflict. The psychology of …
polarization, leaving scholars in search of solutions to partisan conflict. The psychology of …
[ספר][B] Altruism in humans
CD Batson - 2011 - books.google.com
We send money to help famine victims halfway around the world. We campaign to save
whales and oceans. We stay up all night to comfort a friend with a broken relationship …
whales and oceans. We stay up all night to comfort a friend with a broken relationship …
Solidarity through shared disadvantage: Highlighting shared experiences of discrimination improves relations between stigmatized groups.
Intergroup relations research has largely focused on relations between members of
dominant groups and members of disadvantaged groups. The small body of work examining …
dominant groups and members of disadvantaged groups. The small body of work examining …
Empathic accuracy and interpersonal coordination: behavior matching can enhance accuracy but interactional synchrony may not
The study considered two major facets of interpersonal coordination, namely, behavior
matching (posture mirroring) and interactional synchrony, and investigated whether …
matching (posture mirroring) and interactional synchrony, and investigated whether …
The effect of embodied experiences on self-other merging, attitude, and hel** behavior
Immersive virtual environment technology (IVET) provides users with vivid sensory
information that allow them to embody another person's perceptual experiences. Three …
information that allow them to embody another person's perceptual experiences. Three …
Seeing their side versus feeling their pain: Differential consequences of perspective-taking and empathy at work.
Perspective taking and empathic concern (empathy) have each been proposed as
constructive approaches to social relationships. However, their potential distinctions …
constructive approaches to social relationships. However, their potential distinctions …
Information seeking and social support in online health communities: impact on patients' perceived empathy
Abstract Objective Many healthcare organizations (HCOs) including Kaiser Permanente,
Johns Hopkins, Cleveland Medical Center, and MD Anderson Cancer Center, provide …
Johns Hopkins, Cleveland Medical Center, and MD Anderson Cancer Center, provide …