Gesture use and processing: A review on individual differences in cognitive resources
Speakers use spontaneous hand gestures as they speak and think. These gestures serve
many functions for speakers who produce them as well as for listeners who observe them …
many functions for speakers who produce them as well as for listeners who observe them …
The role of iconic gestures in speech comprehension: An overview of various methodologies
KG Kandana Arachchige, I Simoes Loureiro… - Frontiers in …, 2021 -
Iconic gesture-speech integration is a relatively recent field of investigation with numerous
researchers studying its various aspects. The results obtained are just as diverse. The …
researchers studying its various aspects. The results obtained are just as diverse. The …
Exploring individual differences: A case for measuring children's spontaneous gesture production as a predictor of learning from gesture instruction
Decades of research have established that learners benefit when instruction includes hand
gestures. This benefit is seen when learners watch an instructor gesture, as well as when …
gestures. This benefit is seen when learners watch an instructor gesture, as well as when …
Speech-accompanying gestures are not processed by the language-processing mechanisms
Speech-accompanying gestures constitute one information channel during communication.
Some have argued that processing gestures engages the brain regions that support …
Some have argued that processing gestures engages the brain regions that support …
The role of hand gestures in emotion communication: Do type and size of gestures matter?
EN Asalıoğlu, T Göksun - Psychological Research, 2023 - Springer
We communicate emotions in a multimodal way, yet non-verbal emotion communication is a
relatively understudied area of research. In three experiments, we investigated the role of …
relatively understudied area of research. In three experiments, we investigated the role of …
[CARTE][B] Thinking with your hands: The surprising science behind how gestures shape our thoughts
S Goldin-Meadow - 2023 -
An astounding account of how gesture, long overlooked, is essential to how we learn and
interact, which “changes the way you think about yourself and the people around …
interact, which “changes the way you think about yourself and the people around …
L2 vocabulary teaching by social robots: The role of gestures and on-screen cues as scaffolds
Social robots are receiving an ever-increasing interest in popular media and scientific
literature. Yet, empirical evaluation of the educational use of social robots remains limited. In …
literature. Yet, empirical evaluation of the educational use of social robots remains limited. In …
The effects of observing different gestures during storytelling on the recall of path and event information in 5-year-olds and adults
H Kartalkanat, T Göksun - Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2020 - Elsevier
This study examined (a) how observing different types of gestures while listening to a story
affected the recall of path and event information in 5-year-old children (n= 71) and adults (n …
affected the recall of path and event information in 5-year-old children (n= 71) and adults (n …
Language and perception: introduction to the special issue “Speakers and listeners in the visual world”
Abstract Language and perception are two central cognitive systems. Until relatively
recently, however, the interaction between them has been examined only partially and not …
recently, however, the interaction between them has been examined only partially and not …
Parents' vocabulary instruction with preschoolers during shared book reading
A Olszewski, RL Hood - Child language teaching and …, 2023 -
Dialogic reading during shared book reading between adults and children is an effective
way to promote vocabulary acquisition. However, there is limited research on what …
way to promote vocabulary acquisition. However, there is limited research on what …