Radar for hydrology: Unfulfilled promise or unrecognized potential?
Hydrology requires accurate and reliable rainfall input. Because of the strong spatial and
temporal variability of precipitation, estimation of spatially distributed rain rates is …
temporal variability of precipitation, estimation of spatially distributed rain rates is …
Our skill in modeling mountain rain and snow is bypassing the skill of our observational networks
In mountain terrain, well-configured high-resolution atmospheric models are able to simulate
total annual rain and snowfall better than spatial estimates derived from in situ observational …
total annual rain and snowfall better than spatial estimates derived from in situ observational …
Use of radar data for characterizing extreme precipitation at fine scales and short durations
Extreme precipitation is one of the most devastating forms of atmospheric phenomenon,
causing severe damage worldwide, and is likely to intensify in strength and occurrence in a …
causing severe damage worldwide, and is likely to intensify in strength and occurrence in a …
Catchment precipitation processes in the San Francisco valley in southern Ecuador: Combined approach using high-resolution radar images and in situ observations
The precise estimation of precipitation quantities in tropical mountain regions is in great
demand by ecological and hydrological studies, due to the heterogeneity of the rainfall …
demand by ecological and hydrological studies, due to the heterogeneity of the rainfall …
Assessment of the relative impacts of climate changes and anthropogenic forcing on spring discharge of a Mediterranean karst system
The Mediterranean region is a climate change hotspot where the rate of climate change
exceeds the global mean. The rapidly changing climate in combination with an increase in …
exceeds the global mean. The rapidly changing climate in combination with an increase in …
Probabilistic precipitation rate estimates with ground‐based radar networks
The uncertainty structure of radar quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) is largely
unknown at fine spatiotemporal scales near the radar measurement scale. By using the …
unknown at fine spatiotemporal scales near the radar measurement scale. By using the …
Multi-scale hydrometeorological observation and modelling for flash flood understanding
This paper presents a coupled observation and modelling strategy aiming at improving the
understanding of processes triggering flash floods. This strategy is illustrated for the …
understanding of processes triggering flash floods. This strategy is illustrated for the …
Geostatistical radar–raingauge merging: A novel method for the quantification of rain estimation accuracy
Compared to other estimation techniques, one advantage of geostatistical techniques is that
they provide an index of the estimation accuracy of the variable of interest with the kriging …
they provide an index of the estimation accuracy of the variable of interest with the kriging …
Evaluation of IMERG over CONUS complex terrain using environmental variables
Satellite‐based precipitation products (SPPs) provide extensive spatial and temporal
coverage globally but are challenged in complex terrain. This study aims at understanding …
coverage globally but are challenged in complex terrain. This study aims at understanding …
Analyses of a long‐term, high‐resolution radar rainfall data set for the Baltimore metropolitan region
We introduce a long‐term, high‐resolution radar rainfall data set for the Baltimore
metropolitan area covering the 10‐yr period from 2000–2009. Rainfall fields are developed …
metropolitan area covering the 10‐yr period from 2000–2009. Rainfall fields are developed …