A review of the role of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in Atlantic multidecadal variability and associated climate impacts
By synthesizing recent studies employing a wide range of approaches (modern
observations, paleo reconstructions, and climate model simulations), this paper provides a …
observations, paleo reconstructions, and climate model simulations), this paper provides a …
Extratropical cooling, interhemispheric thermal gradients, and tropical climate change
Recent studies suggest the existence of a global atmospheric teleconnection of extratropical
cooling to the tropical rainfall climate, mediated through the development of a thermal …
cooling to the tropical rainfall climate, mediated through the development of a thermal …
Wind-Driven Upwelling in the Southern Ocean and the Deglacial Rise in Atmospheric CO2
Wind-driven upwelling in the ocean around Antarctica helps regulate the exchange of
carbon dioxide (CO2) between the deep sea and the atmosphere, as well as the supply of …
carbon dioxide (CO2) between the deep sea and the atmosphere, as well as the supply of …
Response of the ITCZ to Northern Hemisphere cooling
Climate simulations, using models with different levels of complexity, indicate that the north‐
south position of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) responds to changes in …
south position of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) responds to changes in …
Simulated tropical response to a substantial weakening of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation
In this study, a mechanism is demonstrated whereby a large reduction in the Atlantic
thermohaline circulation (THC) can induce global-scale changes in the Tropics that are …
thermohaline circulation (THC) can induce global-scale changes in the Tropics that are …
• The sustained rate of increase over the past century in the combined radiative forcing from
the three well-mixed greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous …
the three well-mixed greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous …
Sahara and Sahel vulnerability to climate changes, lessons from Holocene hydrological data
The examination of more than 1500 paleohydrological dated records collected between 10
and 28° N during the last 50 years have been used to improve our knowledge and …
and 28° N during the last 50 years have been used to improve our knowledge and …
Late Quaternary behavior of the East African monsoon and the importance of the Congo Air Boundary
Both Atlantic and Indian Ocean climate dynamics exert influence over tropical African
hydroclimate, producing complex patterns of convergence and precipitation. To isolate the …
hydroclimate, producing complex patterns of convergence and precipitation. To isolate the …
The influence of a weakening of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation on ENSO
The influences of a substantial weakening of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation
(AMOC) on the tropical Pacific climate mean state, the annual cycle, and ENSO variability …
(AMOC) on the tropical Pacific climate mean state, the annual cycle, and ENSO variability …
An 85-ka record of climate change in lowland Central America
Drill cores obtained from Lake Petén Itzá, Petén, Guatemala, contain a∼ 85-kyr record of
terrestrial climate from lowland Central America that was used to reconstruct hydrologic …
terrestrial climate from lowland Central America that was used to reconstruct hydrologic …