A survey of leakage-resilient cryptography

YT Kalai, L Reyzin - Providing Sound Foundations for Cryptography: On …, 2019 - dl.acm.org
In the past 15 years, cryptography has made considerable progress in expanding the
adversarial attack model to cover side-channel attacks and has built schemes to provably …

Subversion-resilient signature schemes

G Ateniese, B Magri, D Venturi - Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSAC …, 2015 - dl.acm.org
We provide a formal treatment of security of digital signatures against subversion attacks
(SAs). Our model of subversion generalizes previous work in several directions, and is …

[PDF][PDF] 侧信道攻击与防御技术研究进展

王永娟, 樊昊鹏, 代政一, 袁庆军, 王相宾 - 计算机学报, 2023 -
摘要侧信道攻击利用密码实现的物理泄露而不是理论弱点来恢复密钥, 对密码系统的安全实现有
严重的现实威胁. 密码设备运行时所产生的能量, 电磁, 缓存和故障输出等侧信息均可能导致密钥 …

Efficient non-malleable codes and key derivation for poly-size tampering circuits

S Faust, P Mukherjee, D Venturi… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Non-malleable codes, defined by Dziembowski, Pietrzak, and Wichs (ICS'10), provide
roughly the following guarantee: if a codeword c encoding some message x is tampered to …

Revisiting non-malleable secret sharing

S Badrinarayanan, A Srinivasan - … on the Theory and Applications of …, 2019 - Springer
A threshold secret sharing scheme (with threshold t) allows a dealer to share a secret
among a set of parties such that any group of t or more parties can recover the secret and no …

From single-bit to multi-bit public-key encryption via non-malleable codes

S Coretti, U Maurer, B Tackmann, D Venturi - Theory of Cryptography: 12th …, 2015 - Springer
One approach towards basing public-key encryption (PKE) schemes on weak and credible
assumptions is to build “stronger” or more general schemes generically from “weaker” or …

Non-malleable codes from average-case hardness:, decision trees, and streaming space-bounded tampering

M Ball, D Dachman-Soled, M Kulkarni… - … Conference on the Theory …, 2018 - Springer
We show a general framework for constructing non-malleable codes against tampering
families with average-case hardness bounds. Our framework adapts ideas from the Naor …

Leakage-resilient non-malleable codes

D Aggarwal, S Dziembowski, T Kazana… - Theory of Cryptography …, 2015 - Springer
A recent trend in cryptography is to construct cryptosystems that are secure against physical
attacks. Such attacks are usually divided into two classes: the leakage attacks in which the …

Locally decodable and updatable non-malleable codes and their applications

D Dachman-Soled, FH Liu, E Shi, HS Zhou - Journal of Cryptology, 2020 - Springer
Non-malleable codes, introduced as a relaxation of error-correcting codes by Dziembowski,
Pietrzak, and Wichs (ICS'10), provide the security guarantee that the message contained in …

Block-wise non-malleable codes

N Chandran, V Goyal, P Mukherjee, O Pandey… - Cryptology ePrint …, 2015 - eprint.iacr.org
Non-malleable codes, introduced by Dziembowski, Pietrzak, and Wichs (ICS'10) provide the
guarantee that if a codeword c of a message m, is modied by a tampering function f to c' …